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  1. weshard

    5 month hen injured or illness, stiff swollen leg joint

    Seems to have been an injury. She started moving one foot then the leg, breathing normal now. The other legs works now but the foot is turned under. I noticed today she was moving her foot some as well. She can run short distances but is learning to walk with balance with that turned under foot...
  2. weshard

    5 month hen injured or illness, stiff swollen leg joint

    I have two Cochin Austrolop mix hens, sisters about five months old now. An electric fence is around their area only to keep predators away when they were young, I left it up but they fly over it with their brown red Cochin mom whenever they feel the need. Both were healthy when I left for two...
  3. weshard

    Will my chickens eat snow if their water freezes? Will they be safe?

    I spoil my chicken, heated coop plus heated water systems. My farmer neighbor on the other hand says, they are chickens they will servive. His do eat snow all winter and do fine. He does feed them corn when he feeds the cattle in the winter, but otherwise they find a place to get out of the wind...
  4. weshard

    Question regarding distended vent area.

    Sorry I went out of town. My friend took her to a vet. They drew almost two pounds of fluid from her. They thought peritonitis but now think Ascites, water belly. she is staying at my friends house to keep his pet chicken company so I don't have a picture. The vet thought removing the fluid and...
  5. weshard

    Question regarding distended vent area.

    My Orpinton just started laying again a week ago. She has a very distended butt right now. Not sure if she just needs to lay an egg or has a problem. Any ideas?
  6. weshard

    Chicks, Pullets, or Hens? Getting Started

    That is thirteen chickens that are four weeks old.
  7. weshard

    Chicks, Pullets, or Hens? Getting Started

    The answer to my question may be in here but I have not seen it. I have 13 month old Black Austrolops, been feeding them medicated chick starter. The sack says they can be on that for 8 weeks. Tractor Supply said they are ready for non medicated Grower feed now. All very healthy and active. Any...
  8. weshard

    My Black Australorp is sneezing!

    I too have a hen that sneezes, gone on for months. Used antibiotics in water seem to help a little. She now rests at night. None of the other chickens have it. She also has dirty butt which I cleaned with warm soapy water. She is a Golden Plumb rescue chicken so may have other issues as many of...
  9. weshard

    Review by '' on item 'Australorp'

    My rooster was hatched in January 2012 the three hens were February. I did lose a hen who was the same age as rooster early on to a sky bird. They free range even when I am gone for days. I have an automatic door opener. Had to adjust time a couple time cause the hens got locked out. They range...
  10. weshard

    My Barred Rock Hens?

    At about 5 months they should be laying. From my experience with other breeds.
  11. Three of my roosters, only Lefty lives on.

    Three of my roosters, only Lefty lives on.

  12. Deer on my property near Milaca, MN

    Deer on my property near Milaca, MN

  13. weshard

    Chickens On the Side of the Road??? Save them?

    I would say grab them. I rescue Gold Plumb run always all the time and they do well.
  14. Default


  15. weshard

    Weak legged hen

    I have a Jumbo Cornish hen about 12 weeks old, I have 20 others like her. A few weeks ago she was having a hard time standing up, now she has such weak legs she can't get up. I was placing food and water in front of her and she was eating real good. One day she got herself into the coop I think...
  16. weshard

    Update on my three bumble feet

    I have a year old Jumbo Cornish Rock roo with feet like you described. The middle toe is very red and has been for a while. I put antibiotics in his water this weekend and will refresh it Tuesday. I couldn't find where you talked about why you knew to lance the toe. This bird is 25 or more...
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