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  1. N

    Goose Eggs on end?

    I have very large tray for my GQF cabinet incubator, we are on our last day of hand turning eggs for our current goose hatch and I am thinking of getting a few more egg an trying them on their end same a duck egg. Anyone try this? Is it likely to work or do they absolutely need to be on their side?
  2. N

    Scissor/cross beak

    Good day, we recently purchased for our breeding program 8 Mille Fleur d’Uccle chicks, they are now 3 weeks old, 2 I noticed today have crossed or scissor beak, one fairly severe. We had other breeds in the brooder with them and these 2 are the only chicks that have this. We have hatched...
  3. N

    New Farm Innovators Pro 4250 Help needed!

    I have always cross referenced by doing a salt test with my hydrometer and an mercury thermometer that I can calibrate (ice water).
  4. N

    Goose Incubating questions?

    We got some toulouse goose eggs yesterday and put them in the incubator. We have never used it without a turner so figured we would turn them the old fashion way. We everything seemed good at the beginning but after putting the eggs in the incubator I found at the floor 96-97 and at the surface...
  5. N

    Help!!!, Difficulty with poults

    50 -55 % during the first part then 60-65% during lockdown. This is the table I have used.
  6. N

    Help!!!, Difficulty with poults

    Here's the tag
  7. N

    Help!!!, Difficulty with poults

    Incubator is not the issue as we hatch all our eggs in the 2 cabinet incubators and have 90% or better with our other poutry eggs. As far as feed they are on layer pellets with fresh veg a few time a week. Now that the weather is better the free range throughout the day. We did have them on...
  8. N

    Help!!!, Difficulty with poults

    I have been told Turkey's are quite finicky but what we have been experiencing seems unreasonable., we have set roughly 15 or 16 eggs turkey eggs, our hatch rate has been about 60%, the part that really concerns me is that our of our first 4 that hatched only 1 survived, the rest pasted after a...
  9. N

    Hatching ?

    I offered a lady to hatch some silkie eggs for her. Out of 12, 7 were fertlile, out of 7 only 4 made it full term and are piping. They were in with my eggs I hatch from my birds. We have had 11 of 12 hatch. Any reason such a low hatch rate? This is the worst ive seen.
  10. N

    What breed?

    Good Day all, we bought the pullets last fall for our breeding program. The breeder who sold them to us claimed they were sexed at four weeks, we obviously got a there not the 3 pullets we paid for, she asked for pics and has not responded since I sent them to her. Now were are concerned...
  11. N

    No neck feathers?

    We have 6 Silver spangled Hamburg chickens, our male has recently lost the feathers on his neck, not sure how or why, they are in their own pen and I've never seen the females pecking at him. He is 31 weeks old.
  12. N

    Water reserve system DIY

    We got our first GQF cabinet incubator. I have found it goes through water extremely quickly, I looked at purchasing the water reserve kit but here in Canada it is over $100. I did a search and can find nothing for a DIY system. Anyone do this?
  13. N

    White Wings?

    We got this Roo last summer , I know he is Barred Rock but as of late his wings are turning white? Is he molting ? or is this a case of mistaken identity?
  14. N

    Incubating question

    So we had an excellent hatch so far 29/30 eggs the one still looks good hoping it may be a late bloomer. The issue is my wife kept putting eggs in even after she gathered the original 30, ( 10 extra stacked) It was her first time using the incubator. They all seem to be at different levels of...
  15. N

    Polish or Polish Cross.

    We hatched out 25 chicks, these 3 look to me the same as the polish I hatched last fall. But as I am unsure I will sell them for the mixed heritage price. Thanks all.
  16. N

    Early and Late Hatching

    I have been away for work so I my wife decided to hatch out some eggs, her first time. 1) She found a broody hen had been sitting on eggs even if they weren't her own, it is day 19 and we have 1 blue egg piped, the broody girl lays white eggs. Has anyone had an egg hatch that early, is it...
  17. N

    Turkey Chicks

    I have some Turkeys I got last spring that have just started laying. I plan on selling chicks. I bought these as day olds and never had any issue. A lady who was interested asked if I would be keeping them a month before selling as Turkey chicks are know to pass in the first month. Any truth...
  18. N

    What breed, we were told by the breeder RIR

    Actually all the eggs we light brown and similar in size. We had no idea until she came out at 21 days.
  19. N

    Broody Breeds/Age?

    We have the following breeds of chickens Polish Hambug SS Lav Orphingtons Ayam Cemani Barred Rock RIR Easter Eggers and a couple Xs In addition we have Runner Ducks, and Wild Eastern and Royal Palm turkey's. We have nesting boxes, and breeds are separated, We are getting more and more eggs...
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