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  1. Chicken Hill Freedom Farm

    Small Hatchery Seeking Advice...

    In this instance a fight is necessary given that the crazy person in question took a tour de force around the internet bad mouthing us to everyone hours before she even let us know that there was an issue with her order. So its not just $6 anymore. It took us a day and a half to track down all...
  2. Chicken Hill Freedom Farm

    Small Hatchery Seeking Advice...

    Thanks for the feedback, we are trying to up our packing game, but right now we use the same packing materials that everyone else uses, including some of the major hatcheries. Not much more we can do to improve at this point.
  3. Chicken Hill Freedom Farm

    Small Hatchery Seeking Advice...

    It really is. Hopefully our experience can provide some pointers to those looking to sell their eggs on Etsy or elsewhere.
  4. Chicken Hill Freedom Farm

    Small Hatchery Seeking Advice...

    Good Morning, Here is a link We normally sell chicken and duck hatching eggs, but given that Florida is in icy grip of deep freeze (it has been in the mid 20's for the past 2 nights) our ducks have stopped laying. So we are only selling chicken...
  5. Chicken Hill Freedom Farm

    Small Hatchery Seeking Advice...

    Yeah, we wanted to say more, but we were really trying to be professional to this customer. Remember, our response on Etsy was after she posted a ton of stuff on several FB groups and our FB Page, all before even messaging us. Most of the stuff wasn't even true and thankfully all of the FB...
  6. Chicken Hill Freedom Farm

    Small Hatchery Seeking Advice...

    We are working with another Etsy shop now to fabricate custom egg stamps with our screaming rooster logo. Thanks for the inspiration. A custom stamp should stop anyone attempting to substitute cheap store bought eggs to fake mail damage. You would think that the threat of prision (mail fraud is...
  7. Chicken Hill Freedom Farm

    Small Hatchery Seeking Advice...

    They were a mix of expensive eggs (Lavender Orptington) and normal eggs (Barred Rock / Silver Lace). We sell a farm mix where you might get all Lavenders, a few, one or none per dozen. Its a surprise batch. The idea that she damaged the eggs that were clearly not Lavenders to get a refund...
  8. Chicken Hill Freedom Farm

    Small Hatchery Seeking Advice...

    Our small farm, which is brand new to mailing out chicken and duck eggs (through etsy) is having an issue with a certifiable crazy person who basically ran around Facebook and other online chicken groups bad mouthing our services with false statements. We are working with the US Postal...
  9. Chicken Hill Freedom Farm

    Howdy from Chicken Hill Freedom Farm!

    Here is our flock! Well some of them.
  10. Chicken Hill Freedom Farm

    Howdy from Chicken Hill Freedom Farm!

    Hi, We are new and this is our New Member Intro Post! We are a small family farm based out of Brooksville, FL and we have been meaning to start an account here for a while now. We currently specialize in a few chicken and duck breeds, as well as other farm animals. We are looking to pick up...
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