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  1. L

    Review by 'LABird' in article 'Things I wish I knew before I got my first chick'

    Great article for beginners! I’ve had chickens for 15 years so this was nothing new for me but I really enjoyed the straightforward, honest attitude of this article. Great, useful information and spot on! Thank you!
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    How to get Taller wire fence?

    We used the 6’ high chain link panels to create a chicken yard. They worked great, were relatively easy to install and weren’t too expensive. And I even found a couple on craigs list cheap! We are talking about roofing it though as the raccoons can climb over anything regarding of height. Never...
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    Egg selection

    Interesting. What’s the thought behind this practice? I know with other livestock you select for desired traits—larger Loin eye for bigger steaks or chops, bigger breasted poultry for more breast meat, etc.
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    Egg selection

    Thanks kellyjenny
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    Egg selection

    So what if they have adequate calcium? My girls have been laying 2.25 to 3 oz eggs all autumn. They seem fine, the eggs never have blood one the outside, nobody seems to have problems laying them. If hatched, will these result in chickens that lay x-large eggs? Clearly these girls have the...
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    Egg selection

    If I pick large eggs to hatch, will the resulting chickens produce larger eggs? In other words, is there a way to select for hens that produce larger eggs other than picking breeds that lay larger eggs?
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    Trying to figure out what is wrong with these ducklings!

    I’m definitely no expert but my first guess is parasites like a skin or feather mite or lice. I would recommend isolating them from any other birds you might have until you can have them checked by. Vet should you choose to get them. They definitely look like they need help.
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    Hatch failure

    Thanks for the support. I know we do open the incubator extremely briefly to fish out empty shells and totally dry chicks about 24 hrs after first chick. But how do you lower humidity?
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    Hatch failure

    Thanks. This was my 3rd hatch in this incubator. The first hatch went great, the second had lots of infertile eggs though a three failed to hatch. This last hatch was so sad because there were 6-8 chicks dead in the eggs. Heartbreaking. Thanks for your support though.
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    Hatch failure

    So I’m devastated. My recent hatch was awful. Only about 1/2 the eggs hatched. Quite a few were infertile and that’s ok, it is what it is. The truest sad part is that of the eggs that didn’t hatch many held fully formed chicks that filled the eggs. So they should have hatched. I’m so sad but...
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    Comment by 'LABird' in media 'BC8B4743-A8C8-4133-8FCF-FCC73B5077F2.jpeg'

    Actually you are correct! She is a blue Orpington!
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    Biggest egg I've ever seen!

    My daughter had a triple yolker! Wish she would have weighed it or gotten picture of the yolks but her 4 year old dropped it
  13. L

    Children books and picture books about poultry?

    I know this post is older but my granddaughter’s favorite book is “Tilly lays an egg”
  14. L

    Lid to incubator fell off day one :( any chance they will be ok??

    While hatching eggs is quite a science, remember that that chicken hasn’t read any books. My hens have been known to get off their egg clutch for quite some time and still the eggs hatch. I would proceed with your hatching protocol and see what happens. I’m thinking you’ll do fine with them. Do...
  15. BC8B4743-A8C8-4133-8FCF-FCC73B5077F2.jpeg


    Lavender Orpington
  16. 234B7783-1BCE-4229-AAC2-96CEE0490179.jpeg


    Buff Orpington
  17. 66D5773C-F48E-42CD-8036-68917FDE58D4.jpeg


    Speckled Sussex rooster
  18. L

    First Egg Bound Chicken

    Thank you for the update! I just found your post and was wondering what happened. Thank you too for saying you checked with a vet even if you didn’t go that route. It’s important to check all avenues, I feel.
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    Roos or pullets

    It’s so funny because we are super new to hatching chicks and we tried feather sexing. Lol they are turning out the exact opposite of what we thought they would be. Do you think that brown one is a hen?
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    Roos or pullets

    Pullets or Roos? 7 week old silkies/frizzle cross chicks
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