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  1. Cassandra Lana

    Nu-Stock for feathers?

    Nu-Stock. its a horse/dog/cat medication that works REALLY well. It’s for cuts and hair regroth. I’ve started using it on my halflinger (horse) that rubbed a open sore on the back of his ear. The NEXT DAY (yesterday) it was CLOSED. so i put on more everywhere he was missing little bits of fur...
  2. Cassandra Lana


    [I am numbering these so people can answer multiple questions] {1}What is Nutridrench? I have heard a lot of people here talk about it and have no clue what it is.all I know is that you give it to sick chickens {2}should I have it on hand with my other poultry first aid stuff ? {3}I have...
  3. Cassandra Lana

    Als quackery ducks ?

    Hello ! I have 3 anacona ducks from al’s quackery and was wondering if my tri-colored drake is a show bird . I don’t know how this works and probably won’t show for a while but i would just like to know 😁. @KaleIAm @learycow < Kefi Drake 🤪
  4. Cassandra Lana

    Cute chicken t-shirts!

    Some Tractor Supplies have fun chicken t-shirts for chick days ! At the place I went they were a great price so I got 2! :celebrate (I don’t work there or anything but I wanted to let people know)
  5. Cassandra Lana

    Hen acting strange

    this winter took a tool on my red sex link lilac. She was thin with thin feathers and was lethargic and slow. I made her a nice jacket and she went back to normal. She popped a button off her jacket and then it warmed up so I didn’t fix it and put it on .now it is warmer (average 50F) and she...
  6. Cassandra Lana

    Thought was ameraucana but no (?)

    Help! Pavo my thought-to-be Americana is not a Americana !?! I am soooo confused 😵 . I got Pavo as an Americana from a small business version of tractor supply. All my other birds look like the correct breed . INFO •she lays green eggs •she is definitely not meat or duel purpose, she is light...
  7. Cassandra Lana

    🥳Welcoming Danae ! 🥳

    Today I have added one more female duck to my flock. I have named her Danae . She is a Indian Runner. She is veryyyyy shy and I have to work with her before letting her play in the run. Her history= my riding barn had 6 ducks that used to be all boys. They stayed with 3 geese and were barely...
  8. Cassandra Lana

    Are my eggs fertilized ?

    Hi I know you need to look for a bullseye to find out if a egg is fertilized but I cracked open my anacona duck eggs to see but I can’t tell. These are the clearest pics I could get.
  9. Cassandra Lana

    A few hatching egg questions.

    Hello :) I have a few hatching egg questions. First can you tell if an egg is fertilized by candling it ? What should I look for ?(Duck eggs if that matters.) second how long can eggs stay out unicubated before they can’t be hatched? I am not personally hatching eggs but we are giving some to a...
  10. Cassandra Lana

    Rick Riordan Fans Gather

    Hi poultry people! Are there any other Rick Riordan fans on this page? I hope this can be a nice little chat group for people who like Rick Riordan books (the mythology ones) and poultry! 1 God based exclamations discouraged ! I have nothing against those religions but it should be fun to use...
  11. Cassandra Lana

    Second drake?

    My drake has been over mating his girls so we separate him in a section of the run during the day. He becomes very upset :( whenever his girls go farther than two feet away from his cage . The girls will sleep there but their water and food is farther away. We plan to keep him there till...
  12. Cassandra Lana

    Friendly Fat ?

    Hi poultry people I was woundering if anyone knows of any friendly ways to put a little fat on my birds (Chickens and Ducks) . They a little too skinny for my preference . They have a feeder and water and get treats daily ♥️. Any tips appreciated ~Cassie Note: I don’t feel comfortable feeding...
  13. Cassandra Lana

    Kinda random but....

    Hey I just wondered randomly... if a double yolker egg is fertilized are there two baby’s (like twins) ? I think twin baby birds would be so cute 🥰
  14. Cassandra Lana

    Solved Status? What is status?

    I don’t spend a lot of time online so I have no idea what status is 🤦‍♀️ . Please tell me what it is and how it affects my account
  15. Cassandra Lana

    Top of Ducks bills is flakey dry/wrinkles

    Hi pls help if possible,(not a emergency) the top of my ducks bills are look flakey dry and wrinkled. Their feet are similarly dry. It doesn’t seem to bother them but it confuses me . They constantly have deep water and eat organic layer feed with separate baked egg shell crumbles for a optional...
  16. Cassandra Lana

    Toys for chickens and ducks ???

    hi poultry people!!! Does anyone know of any poultry toys I could use for my flock? I have chickens and ducks and with winter I Would like to get them some . I am looking for something all the birds could use that requires some thinking and could be bought off Amazon . Any recommendations...
  17. Cassandra Lana

    Your Dogs thoughts on chickens ~ a poll

    Hi ! I thought it would be fun to do a poll on dog reactions to birds! Please select one option per dog you have 👍 if your dogs Demeanor has changed than choose the current and past reaction . Post pictures of your puppies (with birds hopefully in the replys). Have tons of fun ~ Cassie :wee It...
  18. Cassandra Lana

    Silly Winter Duck Poll 😜

    Hi I thought it would be fun to do a poll on your ducks first reaction to snow please tap one option per duck reaction In your flock . The poll will be up till march first Have fun! ~Cassie :wee
  19. Cassandra Lana


    Hi I’m Cassie I have 8 chickens and 3 ducks my chickens names are Lucy buff Orpington Tilly barred rock Doxie New Hampshire red penny astrolap Honey-Munchkins Brahama lilac red sex link sweet-pea silver laced wyanadotte pavo Americana my ducks names are Helena hen Zeta hen Kefi drake they are...
  20. Cassandra Lana


    I’m Cassie. I have 8 chickens and 3 ducks my chickens names are Lucy buff Orpington Tilly barred rock Doxie New Hampshire red penny astrolap Honey-Munchkins Brahama lilac red sex link sweet-pea silver laced wyanadotte pavo Americana my ducks names are Helena hen Zeta hen Kefi drake they are all...
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