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  1. DearChicken

    HELP — Baby Chick Head Pecked Open

    We have this chick whose head is bloody and open. What should I do? I’ve already separated it and cleaned the wound.
  2. DearChicken

    Why are my chickens stupefied for awhile when I tap their beaks?

    My chickens freeze for a few seconds when I tap their beaks. Is this normal? Do y’all’s chickens do this as well? I just tap the beaks softly and they stop moving. Their pupils dilate/undilate(?) as well.
  3. DearChicken

    Pullet/Cockerel Queries?

    I think they’re both pullets. But I could be wrong, idk
  4. DearChicken

    odd jersey giant

    Beautiful roo! Jersey giants grow a lot bigger than normal breeds. Plus roosters usually grow bigger and faster than hens. So he’s probably not abnormal or anything. You could definitely breed him, but make sure the hens can handle the weight, because he’s so big. It’s really up to you (and his...
  5. DearChicken


    Hello— I have a hen, got bumblefoot few months ago. I did the mini surgery, but it didn’t go so well. Didn’t manage to get all of the stuff out, and wrapped it up, stuff like that. It’s been maybe 2 months, I think; it’s gotten worse. She’s mainly standing on 1 foot, limp/hopping, and getting...
  6. DearChicken

    Homestead Hangout

    What do you do with the rabbits? As pet or to breed or something else?
  7. DearChicken

    Half-broody hen

    It’s not easy to teach a chicken something, and you can’t really force her to be “fully” broody. Maybe you can get some fake eggs for her and hatch some chicks in an incubator? You can slip them under her at night and she’ll probably care for them. If she doesn’t, you’ll have to raise some...
  8. DearChicken

    So Annoying

    I actually have 2 broodies that I separated, but one pecks the other, even though they are sisters. They were already broody for 3 days, but I got tired of having to move them to get the unmarked eggs. I’ll see what I can do.
  9. DearChicken

    So Annoying

    So I've looked around and everywhere it says to separate your broodies so that there is not a staggered hatch and all that stuff. But everytime I do it my broodies decide not to brood the eggs! They do their fast "bok bok bok" in a nervous way, like they want to return to the flock... It is so...
  10. DearChicken

    Reproductive issue? Please help.

    Maybe this will help.
  11. DearChicken

    Reproductive issue? Please help.

    Maybe she is egg bound? I have no idea.
  12. DearChicken

    Do freshly laid eggs develop faster than eggs laid a week or more ago?

    The fresher ones have a better chance of not dying and hatching.
  13. DearChicken

    First dry Coturnix incubation, half have huge air cells.

    Don’t feel bad! Just go on with the lockdown and wait and see. Life’s pretty strong, so they should be fine. I have a turning incubator that didn’t turn properly, but I didn’t know. Still 3 chicks hatched perfectly normal.
  14. DearChicken

    HELP! My chickens are slowing/stopping egg production at less than A YEAR old

    Chickens don’t molt until they are about 1 1/2 years old. Since they free range, I would think they built an egg elsewhere. I free-ranged too, and they would build nests in shrubs, grass, everywhere. I’d find only a few eggs in the nesting boxes and a so many as a stumbled across some secret...
  15. DearChicken

    Is this baby ready?

  16. DearChicken

    Is this baby ready?

    Is she still alive? Breathing?
  17. DearChicken

    Is this baby ready?

    Pictures, please!
  18. DearChicken

    Broody Hen

    Did she actually hatch those?
  19. DearChicken

    Chicken with white film on bottom of eye

    I don’t know... Is she scratching a lot at her eye? If she is, maybe she has an eyeworm?
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