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  1. Suprasoup

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Checking in! All is quiet over here. The garden is waking up and the ducks are being spoiled with endless water celery again. Anakin loves sleeping in my vest during movie night.
  2. Suprasoup

    How Often Do You Change Swimming H2O?

    Having a system that is easy to maintain is a must with ducks as they are such poopers! A large pond like that you’ll want to look into what koi keepers use. Bottoms drains and settling chambers would be high on the list. And PLANTS. You want tons of plants to process their waste. Perhaps...
  3. Suprasoup

    Growing cress for ducks?

    Cress is perfectly safe for ducks and chickens. I grow it periodically in the ponds stream for the ducks to eat. It’s at the bottom right in the pic. Don’t let it get too leggy as my ducks don’t like the stems as much.
  4. Suprasoup

    Fish in duck pond

    I never really had much luck growing enough duckweed for the ducks. when the ducks were little I grew some in the stream for them to eat. it has since been taken over by the Water Celery which the ducks much prefer. I still have a little bit of duckweed in the indoor aquarium where I raise...
  5. Suprasoup

    Clean Waterer solution?

    I’ve always wanted to try raising Welsh Harlequins but I cant get past how hilariously adorable Indian Runners are😀
  6. Suprasoup

    Clean Waterer solution?

    Thx! My honey do list was literally. 1. It had to be pretty! 2. It can’t smell AT ALL! So I feel your husbands pain😄 I haven’t had any foot issues with pea gravel. When in their pen they spend most of their time lazing away in the duck pond. They also have a second floor which is level...
  7. Suprasoup

    Clean Waterer solution?

    The magic is the duck pen which is pond lined and has a bottom drain that drains water to a below ground level catch basin (sump). A water pump in the sump pumps water to the ducks water bucket. The excess flows back into the sump via the duck pens bottom drain. That’s the basics. There are...
  8. Suprasoup

    Clean Waterer solution?

    I find having multiple water dishes works well. When one gets grungy I’ll clean it and then let it dry in the sun for several days before putting It back into the rotation. This has worked well for the bunnies who go through their 2 gallon water dishes every 3-4 days. The SPOILED ducks have a...
  9. Suprasoup

    Duck coop/run floor

    Thx for the tips as the welcome! I added my location and my new members intro In the my coop space where some pics of my setup is located. Guess I should have made a build thread In the duck forum😳 Living in the desert I try to be a bit water miserly. One of my main considerations when...
  10. Suprasoup

    Duck coop/run floor

    My duck pen is pond lined with a drain at the bottom. On top of the pond liner is about 3” of pea gravel. I have a pump on a timer that floods/drains their pen once per day. I spot clean the big poops with a garden hose. Pea gravel drains quickly and dries even quicker. I love it.
  11. Suprasoup

    Your duck pools - Tell me about them!

    Unfortunately I tossed the drawings a few months back. Regardless I deviated a bit from the design when I started the build. The external pumps inlet is downflow of both the coarse/fine mechanical filter pads as well as the settling chamber. Both the Koi pond and the Duck pond are above...
  12. Suprasoup

    Your duck pools - Tell me about them!

    I have an integrated setup where the duck pen, duck pond, koi pond are connected. All are pond lined. Total volume of the whole setup is ~2000g. Water from each flows to a below grade sump and an external 3000gph pumps water back to each separately via a spaghettis nest of valves and pvc pipe...
  13. Suprasoup

    *~*Runner Duck Club*~*

    The duck and koi ponds veggie filters have hit critical mass. Fresh veggies for the rest of the season for the ducks and bunnies! Fish and duck poo are no match for water parsley and water cress!
  14. Suprasoup

    Local pond ducks observation

    A quick update on the rescue runner😄 He‘s doing well. I was fortunate that he bonded almost immediately to my other fawn and white runner Anakin (she happens to also be my most spoiled and affectionate duck). So she’s been showing him the ropes so to speak. They go everywhere together...
  15. Suprasoup

    Local pond ducks observation

    i would spend as much time with/being near them as you can when they are little. I’ve found it helps form lasting bonds with them as they get older. When my ducks were babies I kept the brooder in the living room at table height so they saw me everyday. I also kept a cup of mealworms nearby...
  16. Suprasoup

    Fish in duck pond

    congrats on the ducks! What kind are they?! We need pics of both the ducks and the ponds😄 I’ll second what everyone is saying. Keep them separate. I have seen my muscovy stay submerged zooming around the bottom of my Koi pond (5’ deep) for over 3 minutes. My Indian runners can do the same...
  17. Suprasoup

    Local pond ducks observation

    He’s terrified of people. When I picked him up he shook so violently and threw up/defecated himself. It was heartbreaking. Hopefully with a little TLC he’ll come to trust people again.
  18. Suprasoup

    Local pond ducks observation

    In my neck of the woods we have a local pond where people abandon their unwanted ducks every year. Most die due to predation or are killed intentionally/unintentionally by people. Those that survive that usually die of starvation during the winter when people stop visiting the pond to feed...
  19. Suprasoup

    Duck house

    Here’s where my ducks reside. Spoiled little buggers. It’s part of an integrated system in the garden. Their pen( which is pond lined) and their pond is linked to a larger koi pond.
  20. Suprasoup

    Duck fanatic here!

    With springtime here and the pond waking up I thought I’d share some update pics! From the last year I added a few things. In their pen I added a second level (bunnies have 3!!) with a ramp leading to their pond which is now completely enclosed! A few months back I watched as our resident...
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