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  1. mmmerz

    Do you REALLY let them in your home??

    I raised my youngest batch of girls in the bathroom. Thought they'd stay in the tub for a while until I could sort out their coop (snort). They were roosting on the shower curtain rod before long and sleeping in the sink. When they were old enough to go out I led them outside, and then, in again...
  2. mmmerz

    Any ideas what this is ?! It's gotta be a .... ?

    Yes, a Reeves' pheasant. Native to hill forests of central and eastern Asia. Very lovely.
  3. mmmerz

    Intestinal blockage ?

    Internal laying was what I initially suspected but then she deflated pretty much overnight. I thought that the build-up of fluids, due to internal laying, remains in the abdomen and accumulates until the hen dies. Could fluid from internal laying vanish in 24 hours ? Perplexed. Thanks for the link.
  4. mmmerz

    Intestinal blockage ?

    Hiya ! I've got a girl with a possible intestinal blockage. A couple of months back her belly started to swell and get really tight until she was walkin' like a cartoon chicken. I thought she was dropping eggs into her abdomen but two weeks ago the swelling suddenly subsided and her belly...
  5. mmmerz

    layer with naked inflamed area around vent

    Thank you very much. That was very helpful information. Wouldn't surprise me if she did have a hernia considering how often she lays at her advanced age. She also thinks she's a duck and lays gigantic eggs. Still awed every time she gives me another big, blue bomb. I'm assuming, based on the...
  6. mmmerz

    layer with naked inflamed area around vent

    Hi, No not eggbound. She just laid a whopper of an egg today. I did give the swelling a feel this evening and it seems to be spherical. When I squeezed it gently she didn't react as if it were painful but nibbled my leg as if I were scratching an itchy spot. Hmmm.
  7. mmmerz

    Suspected internal layer? Enlarged abdomenal area, 1yo BO

    Internal laying is definitely caused by a physiological malfunction so it's surely nothing you are failing to do for your girls. The vet we took Sweetpea to see said that a hen can be born with the problem and that it can take some time for it to show itself. The vet also said that it can be...
  8. mmmerz

    Suspected internal layer? Enlarged abdomenal area, 1yo BO

    Hi, Sorry to hear about your young hen's trouble. It does sound like internal laying. I had a hen with the same problem several years back and did take her to the vet, since she was my son's special friend. Unfortunately there isn't a solution to the problem unless you are willing to give her...
  9. mmmerz

    layer with naked inflamed area around vent

    Hello folks, I've got a chicken with a problem and would love some feedback. She's a 7 year old Americauna. There is a naked, slightly inflamed area around her vent. To one side of the vent there is a one inch diameter swelling. I don't see any sign of a scrape or other injury. She is otherwise...
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