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  1. empireranch

    San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

    I might try the meet in Norco - never been there. How long did it take those driving from North County? Also, have heard there are lots of horsey shops there......might combine both that day.
  2. empireranch

    San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

    Quote: How exciting Tammy - congratulations!
  3. empireranch

    San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

    I have a comment on the MM feed - opened bag of soy free starter yesterday - it is soooo powdery and very few crumbles - the girls threw the feed everywhere in their search for the crumbles - they will blow thru' that 50 lbs very quickly. I went to Country Feed and bought a bag of the Organic...
  4. empireranch

    San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

    Put out one of those electric rat traps last night - nothing - however, I did find some "stones" from either peach/plum type fruit in the vegetable bed - could it be a possum? I am hoping to get one of those game camera's for christmas - does anyone have one of those? - they look fascinating!
  5. empireranch

    San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

    Quote: Have you had any success in keeping them out?
  6. empireranch

    San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

    To those of you that have veggie gardens - what is eating my cucumber and melon seedlings? Also green tomatoes are disappearing. It happens overnight. Yesterday I planted a 4" cucumber plant. This morning it is gone. The beds are 1 foot high raised with 2 feet high chicken wire, so...
  7. empireranch

    San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

    Quote: Im in vista san marcos I can pick it up for you. That would be wonderful - thank you!
  8. empireranch

    San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

    I can't come next weekend - when the feed arrives, is there anyone getting feed from north county that could pick up mine? I'm in Vista.
  9. empireranch

    San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

    Quote: x2 - but chickens are cheaper than therapy (at least that's what I tell my DH)
  10. empireranch

    Need help with mystery crower - Buff Orpington or Black Australorp

    Quote: Yes - my welsummer is a girl and has been in charge from the beginning.
  11. empireranch

    Need help with mystery crower - Buff Orpington or Black Australorp

    Both Buff and Australorp look like girls to me - can't tell on the third one from the picture provided. On a side note, my welsummer "crows" every morning at 5.50am to wake me up (I assume) as they are "cooped" up all night. Perhaps this is happening in your situation?
  12. empireranch

    San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

    Quote: I think Country Feed in Vista has some organic pride chick starter.
  13. empireranch

    Anyone ever use Veteracyn?

    I have used this products on my chickens for the odd pecking issues. Have also used it on myself and family for cuts etc, altho' it is not labeled for human use.... It works very well! Not sure about your situation, but I can't see that it would hurt so worth a try IMO.
  14. empireranch

    San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

    I'm around most of the time - early in the day is always better though - also cooler!
  15. empireranch

    White chick with green legs EE? ***Update 7 weeks*** (post #13)

    Not sure if anyone is still following, but here are the 7 week pictures. I see what I think is a pea comb, but how many rows? Comb still looks pretty pink. Gender thoughts?
  16. empireranch

    San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

    Cari - here is my order: 3 soy-free chick starter Thank you!
  17. empireranch

    Project Orpington?

    Lolli is beautiful! What is a "project orp"? I have a little guy - black and buff orp mix. Here he is at 6 weeks old. I assume he is a roo based on the comb?
  18. empireranch

    San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

    Quote: She is just darling - congratulations!!
  19. empireranch

    San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

    One summer many years ago, I remember making tomato "jam" with my Dad. I don't recall the type of tomato but it was soooo good. The only pain was that you had to core the tomato very carefully so as not to have any seeds.
  20. empireranch

    Buff cross Black Orpington, Gender and colour???

    Here is a 6 week update on my guy - pretty sure he is a roo!
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