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  • Users: Crowdango
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  1. C

    Sexing Spitzhaubens (5-6 months old)

    So I was reasonably sure both of our spitzhaubens were female, until my wife mentioned being slightly worried one might be male because her waddles are bigger... And now *I'm* worried about it. We got them in early May, so they're 5-6 months old now. Waddles only grew in over September, since...
  2. C

    Porcelain booted bantam, male or female??

    This is Twix - approx 6.5 weeks old. Initially thought roo because she was the first in our mixed group to show comb, but it hasn't grown or reddened at all since. No other similar babies to compare her to, but our last booted bantam too was much more developed by this age so now I'm unsure.
  3. C

    Quail having difficulty walking? :/

    Figured this might be a better place for this than the general emergencies/health issues forum since I know quail aren't really everyone's thing. Today I noticed that one of my quails' posture was off - he was kind of walking with his chest down on the ground. He's albino and blind, so I guess...
  4. C

    What does this mystery bantam look like to you?

    I accidentally looked too long at the bantam bin when I went to get more food at TSC, got excited about them having silkies and what I think are porcelain d'uccles - but then I saw this little dude(tte) and really liked its dark coloration! My first thought was some kind of OEGB, since the...
  5. C

    I think I've got a roo :'(

    On the left in these pictures. They're both mille fleur d'uccles, I think about 4 weeks old. Little fella is the loveliest guy, so I'm pretty sad about it if he is a roo.
  6. C

    New Quail Chicks! -- I think we hatched an albino?

    Since our current covey lost a few members over the winter, we decided to hatch a few more to bolster the numbers. Because brooding chickens in our living room wasn't enough, I guess. :'D We tried out a new egg source this time, a little less than 50% hatch rate - not awful for shipped eggs...
  7. C

    Another TSC bantam thread :)

    Finally caved to my deepest desires this year and got a few chickens. Got seven, hoping at least 3-4 end up being pullets - though I know it's still too early to tell. We got them on 3/22, so they're approx 3 weeks old now (jeez, I thought it had been longer!). I think I've identified most of...
  8. C

    Help with color identification?

    Hiya! So I've got a handful of 4ish week old quail that I was hoping you guys could help me identify the colorations of, and if they're feather sexable or not. I have mostly pictures of them all together because, turns out, they hate being harassed and trying to wrangle them and take pictures...
  9. C

    Quail chicks - approximate age help?

    I got a handful of chicks from someone last weekend who estimated their hatch date to be 6/19-ish. There are two chicks in particular who are quite a bit smaller, though, and don't appear to have quite as many feathers growing in yet. I'm still new to quail and these are the first chicks I've...
  10. C

    A lonely extra male - questions about how to proceed.

    First, a bit of background info: I'm new to keeping quail. We got seven 4-ish week old chicks to start, figuring we'd probably have a couple of extra males to deal with. I intended to cull them--I cannot cull them. They quickly became pets. The first extra male we found a home with a relative...
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