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  1. grrunble

    Scissor beak help!

    She was born with it, yes, but was almost unnoticeable before it progressed. I’m not an expert so bear with me, sorry! Crop is where the food initially goes, right after being swallowed. You can feel it at top right if the chickens breast. I’ve noticed ours feels softer than others and I’m...
  2. grrunble

    Scissor beak help!

    Thank you! I do feed her separately or else you get mobbed by a bunch of jealous birds, they all think it’s the best thing ever. Our chickens free range, so we feed her when everyone else is coming out the coop in the mornings and before everyone goes in in the evening. That’s been working...
  3. grrunble

    Scissor beak help!

    The puppy pads are a life saver..! Someone recently told me to start alternating between adding a little yogurt and a little applesauce to help with the consistency. She started finishing her bowls like nothing! I bathe her twice a week but the poor dear always looks wet down her front, still...
  4. grrunble

    Copper Maran sexing?

    Thanks! Was hoping otherwise obviously, but just wanted to be sure
  5. grrunble

    Copper Maran sexing?

    Hello! Need some help sexing my 10 week old chickens. I know one for sure is a cockerel, but the other is throwing me off.. any ideas? The first is the cockerel, second is the mystery. Has a comb but it’s much smaller than the other one’s and is very pale, if that makes any difference. I’m...
  6. grrunble

    Scissor beak help!

    Thank you so much! She’s actually doing really well, from what I can see. We’re feeding her twice a day and she easily finishes the bowl we give her. She’s earned the name Dory, as she will eat, strut around, then see the food again and go right back at it :lol: it feels like she is gaining...
  7. grrunble

    Breed of bantam?

    Thank you! I appreciate your insight, still learning as you can probably tell
  8. grrunble

    Breed of bantam?

    Thanks! I’ve read half and half of people saying they’re aggressive and the other saying they’re sweet. Right now he acts like a hen and squats when petted, jumps on lap for attention, follows me around. We have 25 give or take, is this enough to keep 2 roo’s satisfied? We’ve already decided on...
  9. grrunble

    Breed of bantam?

    Thanks! I glanced over game birds, should’ve checked more thoroughly.
  10. grrunble

    Breed of bantam?

    Hello! Have this little bantam that was snagged from assorted, and I’m kinda new to chickens so I have no idea what it could be... was hoping for a pulley but looks like a little cockerel, niece is attached so depending on his temperament when he’s mature we will most likely keep him! Loves...
  11. grrunble

    Ended Official BYC 2021 Summer Fair—Equine Show Ring

    And last but not least, old man Hummer. He’s retired now to light trail rides and looking after all the young guns. He’s an OTTB turned fox hunter and a huge attention hog-literally, he’s 17.2 hh, and for someone who normally rides little 14.3 ranch horses that’s huge! Also, he has an animal...
  12. grrunble

    Ended Official BYC 2021 Summer Fair—Equine Show Ring

    #2 is my kill pen buddy Rooster. He had a tough start, but now he’s doing fantastic- even if he’s as ornery as a toddler! Loves his face squished and gives hugs with that giraffe neck of his. He also loves calves, for some reason, and has become the weird uncle. He’s a Paso Fino
  13. grrunble

    Ended Official BYC 2021 Summer Fair—Equine Show Ring

    So hard to only pick three pictures... this is Bailey, my grumpy old lady! She’s taught me all I know and then some. She’s so patient and sweet, I trust her with absolutely anyone because I know she’ll take care of them. Plus she has a soft spot for kids! We only do some light trial rides...
  14. grrunble

    Ended Official BYC 2021 Summer Fair—Livestock Show

    Aaaand #3, which is hard to pick just 3 of them but... Breezy Bree! Feat. Her weird uncle and Charlie Ray. Smallest calf we’ve ever had, I could hold her under one arm like nothing
  15. grrunble

    Ended Official BYC 2021 Summer Fair—Livestock Show

    #2 Willow, the OG bottle baby
  16. grrunble

    Ended Official BYC 2021 Summer Fair—Livestock Show

    #1 Charlie Ray, my partially blind angus bottle calf :love
  17. grrunble

    Pretty chicken, no clue what breed!

    HawkBait, lol! Love it. We have some pretties like Delilah, Fancy, Reba... then we have Pickles, Pants, Bowling Ball, Drumstick and Porkchop that don’t quite fit in... our cattle have all the pretty and themed names!
  18. grrunble

    Pretty chicken, no clue what breed!

    Looks just like her! Love the name too, we’re unoriginal with the pretty names but have plenty odd ones.
  19. grrunble

    Pretty chicken, no clue what breed!

    I figured the little thing was, but one can hope right? Lol, should’ve been more specific, sorry!
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