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  1. jtl977

    Syracuse New York Chicken Ordinance

    Syracuse New York Chicken Ordinance Are Chickens Allowed in this location No Max Chickens Allowed Roosters Allowed No Permit Required No Coop Restrictions City/Organization Contact name Additional Information I called our local zoning office to find out that all chickens are...
  2. jtl977

    Moulting hens?

    Sounds very similar to what our girls did when molting.
  3. jtl977

    Separated an injured chick...HELP confirm I'm doing the right thing.

    Another good treatment for a bleeding chicken is flour. It stops the bleeding really fast and is easier to put on than ointment. We had drama getting ointment on one our birds!
  4. jtl977

    Bamboo question

    We also have some invasive bamboo in our yard that the girls regularly peck at. So far no problems with that...
  5. jtl977

    Micro-flock health

    Is there anything I should do to try and modify their broody behavior? Or should I just let them be?
  6. jtl977

    Micro-flock health

    Hi all - I have concerns about the health of my microflock of 3 Australorp hens. For the past few weeks, egg laying has dropped off significantly, and there have been none for the past few days, when we used to get 1 or 2 each day without fail. Also, the girls seem to be eating alot less. When...
  7. jtl977

    Chicken Poop Bingo!

    That happened the first time we had my soon to be mother in law over.... and the girls were still chicks then so it was small but really wet. Gotta love 'em! : )
  8. jtl977

    First eggs from new pullets!

    Congrats....isn't that such a good feeling when you finally get that first egg?
  9. jtl977

    Chicken Poop Bingo!
  10. jtl977

    Who's Laying What?

    I never could do this myself, but I have read that you can put a dab of food coloring on each birds' vent and then streaks of that color will appear on her egg. Not sure if you want to get that "personal" with your chickens...I know I don't! Ha!
  11. jtl977

    Egg eating chickens! Help!

    Golf balls also work if you have them around and don't want to spend the money on buying other "fake" eggs.
  12. jtl977

    Chickens don't have sphincters....??

    I was wondering the same thing. Yesterday we cleaned out the girls pen and while we cleaned we put them into a small dog carrier. All three of them were in there for a half an hour and no poop. Can they really control it?
  13. jtl977

    Good online chick hatcheries?

    We also ordered from my pet chicken because of the 3 minimum rule and were very happy with the health of the girls.
  14. jtl977

    Upstate, NY chicken peeps!

    We are also in the Syracuse area.
  15. jtl977

    Woohoo!!! First egg!!!

    Congratulations! There is nothing like the very first one.
  16. jtl977

    my hens squeaking!

    Ours bark like a small dog when they eat too fast....does she squeak when she is eating?
  17. jtl977

    Long Nails

    Thank you both.....those are great ideas! We appreciate the help!
  18. jtl977

    Long Nails

    Our girls tend to get really long nails. We tried to clip them with regular finger nail clippers and it went fine until the very last nail which I accidentally cut too deep and she started to bleed. I felt awful about it but she wasn't at all upset. The nails are long again (they catch all kinds...
  19. jtl977

    Normal Chicken owner behavior??

    Very normal with no cure... ha!
  20. jtl977

    Basement chickens? Yes!

    Thank you everyone for all your kind comments. We got several emails asking for more detailed info so we totally redid the overview section. Feel free to check it out if you were looking for more specifics.
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