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  1. CarinaRose

    Deep litter, compost pile, AND worm bin?

    That’s a good idea to use the leaves as mulch! I’ll keep that in mind.
  2. CarinaRose

    Deep litter, compost pile, AND worm bin?

    I wouldn’t even worry about including a worm bin in the mix of composting methods for me if it weren’t for the fact that we already own the bin (and it’s one of the cute ones) so I may as well use it, and it looks like it can only add value to my garden. Last time we had worms our garden was...
  3. CarinaRose

    Deep litter, compost pile, AND worm bin?

    Thanks for the reply, I was going to look it up and got side tracked and you reminded me. Rhubarb leaves are indeed toxic to chickens and I found this list of other things they shouldn’t have which is large enough that I think at least a small compost pile will be worth it...
  4. CarinaRose

    Deep litter, compost pile, AND worm bin?

    Yeah, I can’t think of anything that I would need to compost that couldn’t also go in the chicken coop, except maybe rhubarb leaves? Can chickens eat those? I think I may still try keeping the worms for a while, especially since I already have the bin, I just need to go buy the worms.
  5. CarinaRose

    Deep litter, compost pile, AND worm bin?

    I’m doing deep litter in the coop and run, I also have a worm bin, but I haven’t used it in a couple years. Is there a reason to do deep litter, and keep a worm bin, AND have a separate compost pile? Or is all of that too redundant?
  6. CarinaRose

    Calling welsh harlequin experts

    Did you get another picture?
  7. CarinaRose

    Brand New Suburban Chicken Keeper in Boise, Idaho USA

    Welcome! I’m in Nampa! I’m planning my coop now, hoping to build it soon and get some chicks. What is your coop like?
  8. CarinaRose

    What dog breeds are right for me?

    Have you found a new dog/puppy yet?
  9. CarinaRose

    List of HOAs in Nampa, ID that allow chickens??

    Yeah, it’s not your average home hunt. The in-laws are helping us buy a house as a way to invest their inheritance so they got priority in choosing so they know it’s in a good area to give them a good return on their investment when we sell. I did get to say that I wouldn’t move if I couldn’t...
  10. CarinaRose

    List of HOAs in Nampa, ID that allow chickens??

    UPDATE: We found one that allows chickens, but I’m not sure yet if there is a limit on how many I can keep beyond what the city allows. The city allows 10 hens and 3 ducks, I’m hoping the HOA doesn’t limit it further.
  11. CarinaRose

    List of HOAs in Nampa, ID that allow chickens??

    Hello! Is there a list of HOAs in Nampa, Idaho that allow Chickens? Or a list of which ones do NOT allow chickens so I can stay away from them? I’m having a hard time finding the rules of the different HOAs as we look for a house. I feel like this is pertinent information that should be...
  12. CarinaRose

    Three ducks, what are they??

  13. CarinaRose

    Three ducks, what are they??

    There’s 10-15 geese, a handful of random ducks and a bunch of mallards.
  14. CarinaRose

    Three ducks, what are they??

    Aw man, this makes me sad! I don’t think anyone will take them in, but they aren’t the only domestic ducks at the pond, there’s also an entire flock of (what I assume) pilgrim geese.
  15. CarinaRose

    Three ducks, what are they??

    No, not at this time, I currently just live in an apartment. I think they’re wild now.
  16. CarinaRose

    Three ducks, what are they??

    Hello all! I found these three amigos at our local park, they only hangout with each other, what kind do you think they are?
  17. CarinaRose

    Converting a metal storage shed.

    How about this idea, I hope you’ll be able to follow, lol, take off one of the doors and replace with hardware cloth (or if you can cut one door in half? And put hardware cloth just on the upper half). Put a metal rod the length of the door to secure the hardware cloth to and give the door...
  18. CarinaRose

    Bought used 10x10 run to put in 8x10 garden spot

    Personally I would sacrifice some of that little walkway by the shed for the run. Do you often use the walkway?
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