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  1. xXChickenTenderXx

    Neck Pecking

    So how could I get them to stop? Do you have any recommendations?
  2. xXChickenTenderXx

    Neck Pecking

    Oh, sorry. I meant they get a few handfuls of treats daily. They have access to food and water anytime.
  3. xXChickenTenderXx

    Neck Pecking

    The label says Min 16% of crude protein, not completely positive what that means. It's organic layer pellet A few handfuls a day between them. How can I break it? Winters are bad up here. Could they get frostbite on their necks?
  4. xXChickenTenderXx

    Neck Pecking

    My chickens have slowly developed a habit of pecking each others necks. I have posted a forum last winter about this, and concluded it was from boredom and lack of space. We have made many changes since them. I don't understand why they would keep pecking each others necks, for we have expanded...
  5. xXChickenTenderXx

    Chicken Not Laying!

    I have only two who lay different colored eggs, the rest are brown. I am pretty sure it is out golden bovans that aren't laying, but like I said, I am not positive.
  6. xXChickenTenderXx

    Chicken Not Laying!

    We have multiple breeds
  7. xXChickenTenderXx

    Chicken Not Laying!

    They are a year and a half though, and it has been every day for the past month pretty much.
  8. xXChickenTenderXx

    Chicken Not Laying!

    Out of eleven chickens, we have only been getting 9 eggs a day. We were getting ten, but now yet another may have stopped laying. I'm not positive who is laying and who isn't, though I am trying to keep track of them. One chicken was previously laying in the woods and we found where she layed...
  9. xXChickenTenderXx

    Missing Chicken!

    Yes around an hour every day. This particular chicken always escapes from the pen we set up. We already got an egg from her today. 2 acres but its most downhill and we make sure the don't go too far down.
  10. xXChickenTenderXx

    Missing Chicken!

    We have one chicken that has been lost for three hours! All of the chickens were free ranging on out hill for fifteen minutes when we noticed one gone. We immediately looked an have been as much as possible. There are no signs that she has been mauled or wandered off. Any tips to lure her back?
  11. xXChickenTenderXx

    Eagle In the Neighbourhood

    The coop and run is definitely secure. My chickens aren't a fan of snow so the do not go very far in the yard yet so they have access to the coop and if they want to they are easily able to go inside within seconds.
  12. xXChickenTenderXx

    Eagle In the Neighbourhood

    Yes, it occasionally moves from tree to tree from what we have seen when we drive by. Like I said, it is down the road, but I'm just worried it will find our house
  13. xXChickenTenderXx

    Eagle In the Neighbourhood

    Yes we do, but we let our chickens out to free range because our coop and run is small, therefore they will peck each others neck feathers.
  14. xXChickenTenderXx

    Eagle In the Neighbourhood

    We have noticed that there is a bald eagle down the road (which is a pretty safe distance) is watching on of our neighbors chickens. It has been there for at least two days. We haven't seen any blood or any of their chickens missing, so the eagle doesn't seem active. Is the eagle going to...
  15. xXChickenTenderXx

    Chicken obsessed with nesting box!

    How long will my chicken not lay for? It has been awhile and no egg from her... she isn't acting lethargic or anything but...
  16. xXChickenTenderXx

    The Meaning Behind your BYC Screen Name

    My name is because many of my friends and neighbors call me a chicken tender. I think it works in so many ways 😂
  17. xXChickenTenderXx

    Chicken obsessed with nesting box!

    It sounds like she was. I didn't move her out and isolate her. Instead, I broke her by kicking her out of the nesting box multiple times and I guess she got the memo.
  18. xXChickenTenderXx

    Chicken obsessed with nesting box!

    This same chicken has stopped being broody but isn't laying. We haven't gotten an egg in a couple of days from her. She isn't acting like she is egg bound and is eating and drinking like normal. Is this normal after being broody?
  19. xXChickenTenderXx

    Chicken obsessed with nesting box!

    What are some ways of breaking her out of broodiness?
  20. xXChickenTenderXx

    What do your chickens do in the snow?

    When we were cleaning the run, one of my chickens jumped out right into the snow. She went crazy! I had to pick her up to get her out. Sometimes my chickens will go out on the areas we shoveled and go back in minutes later. One of my chickens, a blue sapphire called Athena, will lay on her feet...
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