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  1. kelltang93

    Eating siblings...

  2. kelltang93

    Eating siblings...

    Poop. Is my duckling(s) going to get sick? :(
  3. kelltang93

    What is the differnence between comercial chick grit and chick grit?

    Yes They are a mix! They are too cute.
  4. kelltang93

    What is the differnence between comercial chick grit and chick grit?

    Thank you, do you know if I can give them "red lettuce"? I can't believe my ducklings hatched after being in a refrigerator!
  5. kelltang93

    What is the differnence between comercial chick grit and chick grit?

    So if I know if I got the right grit for my ducklings. And when should I start feeding it to them?
  6. kelltang93

    Air cell is lopsided

    No, I can't take pics of them because I don't want to turn them upside down, and I don't think you would be able to see anything with the pic I could take. Since the air cell is on top. And I only have two hands. I can try tonight when it is more dark.
  7. kelltang93

    Air cell is lopsided

    I'm incubating 3 duck eggs and one of them is kinda small for being on day 20 I think, and the other two are lopsided. Should I be worried?
  8. kelltang93

    Here is what three of them look like on day 13. Today is day 15.

    Here is what three of them look like on day 13. Today is day 15.
  9. kelltang93

    Growing and great movement! Three of them were not fertile. But three are growing.

    Growing and great movement! Three of them were not fertile. But three are growing.
  10. kelltang93

    Incubating and hatching eggs, help first timer

    Oh okay. Thanks you've been a big help!
  11. kelltang93

    Incubating and hatching eggs, help first timer

    Oh, did you turn them after day 25?
  12. kelltang93

    Incubating and hatching eggs, help first timer

    You can tell even by looking at them that the right three are not developing, the other 3 are dark. They have a lot of movement tho.
  13. kelltang93

    Incubating and hatching eggs, help first timer

    They all look like that
  14. kelltang93

    Incubating and hatching eggs, help first timer

    I'm going to put one in around 10 tonight when the hygrometer/thermometer gets calibrated, it's meant for indoors so I haven't used it but BYC recommended the one I have so I'm going to try tonight. Do you think it's too early to take the other three eggs or no? They are turning yellow.
  15. kelltang93

    Help, first time hatcher.

    Oh okay
  16. kelltang93

    Help, first time hatcher.

    We're the air cells big?
  17. kelltang93

    Help, first time hatcher.

    Oh okay, I have 6 eggs but 3 of them don't look fertile, but I'm keeping them in it just to make sure. But 3 of them made it from being refrigerated for a week! But, they're air cells don't look big like the picture at the beginning of the diagram. So that's why I got worried.
  18. kelltang93

    Incubating duck eggs for the first time

    Thanks around 10 tonight I'll put it in the incubator after 8 hours.
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