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  1. D

    Duckling spinning in circles

    Ohhh yeah! Thanks!
  2. D

    Please Help!! Duckling wont eat or walk!

    Oh no! Thats so sad! You did all you could, its amazing he lasted this long.
  3. D


    My coop is a big movable one so dont really have a problem with poop as I move it every few days. For food I have a big feeder where they learn to step on a bit and the lid opens for them to feed out of which stops poo and rain from getting in. Water they have a big bowel to drink from plus a...
  4. D

    Duckling spinning in circles

    Oh really? But mother ducks in the wild take their babies swimming in ponds all the time to keep them safe from predators like hawks and cats?Even when they are 2 or 3 days old?? Should I cover my pond when ducklings hatch? My ducks mainly free range, they are just pets not for eggs or anything...
  5. D

    Please Help!! Duckling wont eat or walk!

    That's so good hes getting better!!! You have done a great job looking after him so well!
  6. D

    Duckling spinning in circles

    Little ducky looking sooo much better!!! He has almost completely stopped spinning!! I put him in a cold pool and he just spinned and cheeped so I put him in the warm bath and he had so much fun splashing and drinking and flapping his little stubby wings. He seems to spin if he feels lonely or...
  7. D

    Blind muscovy duckling not eating!!??

    Drinking lots and looking nice and healthy but still not eating much... if you put the bowel in front of him he will nibble a tiny bit and he will eat a bit out of your hand but only eats a bit by himself, I'm sure as he gets older he will eat more and more - everyday hes getting better!
  8. D

    Please Help!! Duckling wont eat or walk!

    That doesnt sound good😥 Dont give up just yet because if it was a bit of a traumatic hatch he could still be recovering. The other thing it could be is something neurological, I once had a lamb that had a traumatic birth and ended up getting starved of oxygen, it didnt die at birth but it had...
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    Duckling spinning in circles

    Oh yes thats a great idea, his current mate is a bit shy and tends to follow him around instead😂.
  10. D

    Duckling spinning in circles

    So i have found out some new things. 1 is that ducky walks almost perfectly fine in his lightbox. I think (this is just a guess) that ducky uses his heat bulb as a reference point. I think he can see some measure of brightness and darkness and so the bright spot (his bulb) is the center and he...
  11. D


    The bald patch on the back of her head probably means she has been mated with so if she dissapears its likely she will be nesting, im not sure anout the eye but the limp could likely be from the drake ontop of her while mating. I dont know about her not eating? Maybe if you let her in a big pen...
  12. D

    Duckling spinning in circles

    Ok thank you! I will do my best!
  13. D

    Duckling spinning in circles

    Hi everyone, I have a 4 day old muscovy duckling. He is blind. But he has started spinning in backwards circles. He has always done it a bit since he hatched but now hes doing it all the time and doesn't seem to be able to walk straight. He always spins to his right and backwards. When he had...
  14. D

    Please Help!! Duckling wont eat or walk!

    Hmm thats strange? I have assisted duckling to hatch before and they are sometimes a bit weird for a few days afterwards and dont walk or eat, one lasted 3 days like that and I had to syringe feed it. I put some food in the syringe then squeezed it a bit so there was food on the tip and got the...
  15. D

    Blind muscovy duckling not eating!!??

    Today hes drinking! If he bumps into the water bowel he puts his head down, looking for the water! Sometimes he misses which is cute but a bit sad but mostly he manages to find the water! Not quite onto the food yet but im sure he will get there. Thanks for the feedback!!
  16. D

    A little help for a noobie please??

    Yes likely the eggs are fertile! You can candle them to watch their development, just us a torch and a dark room to look inside the egg, theres plenty of diagrams of chick development on the internet that you could check out. Good luck!
  17. D

    New born chick

    Its just the yolk sac still absorbing, it happens if you try help them out, i have helped many shrink wrapped ducklings out and thats often there. They absorb the yolk during hatching to give them nutrients for the following days while they learn to eat. Just dont fiddle with it or let the...
  18. D

    New Muscovy Duck Just Appeared in my Flock

    I would put him in a pen with your other ducks but supervise them for an hour or so, male muscovys can sometimes bully smaller, weaker ducks so if you see continued attacking or chasing or cornering or agression towards the other ducks its probably not a good idea to leave him in their pen at...
  19. D

    Blind muscovy duckling not eating!!??

    Ok, thanks guys!! Fingers crossed! He is the sweetest little ducky and its really interesting to see how much he relies on me calling for direction! Thanks!!
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