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  1. J

    Welsummer standards

    Bummer. Thanks anyway.
  2. J

    Welsummer standards

    Where are you located? I am looking for a Welsumer roo to replace my existing roo to change up the gene pool of my flock. I'm in Idaho.
  3. J

    Who made the law to require vet prescriptions for anti biotics 😡

    If this is true then the FDA illegally created a new law, something only Congress is allowed to do. They are a regulatory agency to execute laws passed by Congress, not their own whims. But we all know there are no rules anymore under our proto-Soviet America.
  4. J

    Oyster ahell grit debate and confusion

    I have offered oyster shell to my free range hens many times and they don't touch it. I tried mixing it in their regular feed but the cherry pick it out and leave it scattered on the ground. No interest, even when they occasionally drop thin shelled eggs. Anyone know what else works for a...
  5. J

    Low hatch rate

    Here is an update on my just finished hatch using the dry hatch method. I used no water at all for first 18 days with ambient humidity in the room between 21% and 26%. Then went into lock down keeping humidity at 60 to 70%. I got 10 out of 22 to hatch which is my best success so far although...
  6. J

    Topic of the Week - Aggressive Roosters: What is the best way to handle them?

    12 to 18 months is the typical age they turn into rebellious horny teenagers. What I do is watch his body language at all times. Your walking legs trigger his attack mode by the motion. I stop instantly if hackles start to rise, face him and look him in the eye but completely still, unless he...
  7. J

    Kicked my Rooster! And now he is dead!

    It sounds like he was a walking time bomb for a heart attack. If it wasn't you it would have been something else soon. You were just at the wrong place at the wrong time providing the perfect storm for him that day. Sorry for your loss. I had a rooster die of fear and stress when the irrigation...
  8. J

    Is chicken scratch okay

    You might try a little canned cat food for protein in small amounts as quick fix to get you by.
  9. J

    Low hatch rate

    People criticized you for free in-depth information? No gratitude, I guess.
  10. J

    Low hatch rate

    I have had the same results with the Nurture Right 360. I have been lucky to get 5 out of 22 eggs to hatch healthy with one hatched with deformity or incomplete and die. I've tried calibrating for all of the temp/humidity variables and finally just left it at factory default with no better...
  11. J

    Do you name your birds

    I only name the ones I plan on culling that year. This year I culled Cluck Schumer and Nancy Pecklosi.
  12. J

    Broody Hen - New To This!

    This just happened to me. My broody Barred Rock was broody all summer so I tried taking out of the nest box , taking her eggs away, etc. Then I no longer saw her in there for three weeks thinking she was broke of broodiness. She stealth nested in our hay bales and hatched 5 chicks out of two...
  13. J

    Broody found in Hay bales with chicks

    I do have a grow out coop I used in the spring for this years batch I hatched earlier. I'll leave them in the hay bales with food/water for few days and then move them there. Although I wouldn't say that coop is winter worthy, just private with nest boxes. There is no way they will be able to...
  14. J

    Broody found in Hay bales with chicks

    Thank you for a quick and very helpful reply.
  15. J

    Broody found in Hay bales with chicks

    I just discovered one of my hens has been hiding in my hay bales and hatched some chicks! She was broody over summer and I could not break her of it. I guess she got her wish. Anyway, we are into late September and how do I care for momma hen and her chicks? Let her do her thing or take chicks...
  16. J

    Winter water...

    My cheapest and simple solution was buying those blue heated dog bowls with thermostat from TSC. The only downside was I wish it held more volume so I bought two at $20 each. They're now $29.99 Gotta love this Bidenflation...
  17. J

    What are some chicken breeds you wish that you have, but you don’t yet?

    I have Welsummers (my Favorite), Black Copper Marans but would like Black Australorp or Speckled Sussex for egg laying and meat. I lost my one year old Wellsummer Rooster today for unknown reasons. Found him dead after noticing he looked ill this morning. I have ten of his chicks in the brooder...
  18. J

    Anyone else always wish they'd get an accidental male?

    I sure do now. Today, my only rooster I discovered dead on the ground among his flock of 18 hens. I noticed this morning that he didn't look well with droopy wings and tail and his mouth open. I didn't know what it could be or what to do but thought he might pull through. I did not see any signs...
  19. J

    Chick Hatching Assistance - Is this Shrink wrapped?

    I have the exact same problem right now. Five others hatched out fine yesterday but this one is in the same state of zipping about 1 inch long. Membrane pieces look yellow and a little dry. It is breathing and chirps regularly. What oils do you suggest and how would you apply it? Thanks
  20. J

    Harris Farms Nurture Right 360 Incubator is AMAZING!

    What's worse is adjusting +/- .5 deg on the indicator changes the temp more substantially like 1.0 to 1.5 degrees sometimes depending on how low or high the humidity. Perhaps the thermostat quality can only achieve a .5 degree accuracy at best and that is why you can only set it in those...
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