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  1. M

    Ended Text to Image Challenge—"Chicken Making Breakfast"

    "colorful hen laying an egg into a frying pan on the stove, action shot" Bing
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    Ended Waterfowl & Water Photo Contest

    Splish Splash Quacker is taking a Bath!
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    Ended Waterfowl & Water Photo Contest

    3 Babies with the Zoomies!
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    Ended 2024 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

    Chicken Little didn't want the snow to touch her wings. Henny Penny wanted nothing to do with this.... December 15th
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    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Not really, I had Pheasants and Pintail Ducks between ~8yrs and 12yrs old. First chickens were last year, at 36 yrs old. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? At this exact moment we only have 1. We do have a pair of Khaki...
  6. M

    Are these emu eggs fertile? Hatchalong

    More baby pictures!!!!
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