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    Mystery Breed from the Animal Shelter

    She is beautiful! And she lays brown eggs almost indistinguishable from our RIR and black australorp.
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    Mystery Breed from the Animal Shelter

    Hi, I got this hen as a pullet from the local animal shelter. Within a month or so, her comb and wattles grew and got red, and she started laying! She's now the biggest member of my flock at about 6.5 lb. Even though she's pretty orange-colored all over, all the feathers have a gray base...
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    Gurgling and Spitting Up Clear Liquid When Sitting

    Hi, I have a 2.5 year old Rhode Island Red hen with some symptoms that have me a bit stumped. She has a history of ascites and was last drained mid-August and had been doing very well since. The last couple days she has been acting lethargic and her abdomen seemed to be filling with liquid...
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    RIR w/ Swollen Back End

    A little over a month later and we thought we were out of the woods... Since the last post she had started eating again, gotten her weight back to normal, and even started laying again! Then last Sunday she laid a normal egg and then this thing later in the afternoon. It was basically egg white...
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    Green Watery Poop, Weakness, Undigested Seeds... Farting??

    Update a couple days later. She's still quite weak, and her crop is still full every morning. Still fairly active with plenty of grooming and pecking her flock mates since she's #1 in the pecking order. She's being hand fed wet feed several times per day plus crop massages and is holding steady...
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    Green Watery Poop, Weakness, Undigested Seeds... Farting??

    Here's a poop from just now. I gave her a few more cantaloupe seeds yesterday to test her digestion and one came out intact this morning.
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    Green Watery Poop, Weakness, Undigested Seeds... Farting??

    This morning, she had pooped a bit (a bit looser than what's pictured above), but her crop was definitely not emptied. Felt hard like an impacted crop. She drank a bunch of water first thing, so after that she got a crop massage. Seemed to help loosen everything in there. Next order of business...
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    Green Watery Poop, Weakness, Undigested Seeds... Farting??

    The one and only Big Chicken. And some of today's poops. Missing a water + urate blob from the morning.
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    Green Watery Poop, Weakness, Undigested Seeds... Farting??

    I'll add on that none of her flockmates (3 RIRs) have any similar symptoms. I think her crop is emptying because she does poop after being hand fed. I'll check tomorrow morning to be sure though. No yeasty smell from her breath. She hasn't laid an egg in a few months, but she's been an...
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    Green Watery Poop, Weakness, Undigested Seeds... Farting??

    Hi all, I have a Buff Orpington, age unknown but at least 3 years old presenting some concerning digestive symptoms. For the past week or so she's been lazier than usual, not eating too much and pooping very watery. Yesterday, we brought her inside into the hospital ward to keep a closer eye on...
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    RIR w/ Swollen Back End

    And another update: Third morning after draining, through trial and error we found the only things she'll eat are bread and live bugs. Not even dried mealworms. Tail is still up, and she's mildly active and pretty attentive. The big issue now though is that her crop does not seem to be emptying...
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    RIR w/ Swollen Back End

    Update: We suspected ascetis, and a needle and syringe confirmed lots of yellowish liquid in the abdomen. We removed about 6 oz (weight) from her yesterday evening and kept her in a recovery pen inside the house overnight. She kept dripping and as of this morning is still dripping a bit. She's...
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    RIR w/ Swollen Back End

    I didn't feel anything like an egg in there. Very water balloon-ish.
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    RIR w/ Swollen Back End

    Hi there. One of my 2 year old RIRs has been a little bit off lately, and today I noticed her back end was quite swollen and tight as if it were a water balloon. For the past couple weeks she's not been laying eggs even though she goes to sit in the nest every day. She's a bit on the smaller end...
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    Two Eggs in a Day? Tube Egg?

    She is 23 months old. They have free access to 16% layer pellets and broken up egg shells plus an hour a day in the lawn for grass, clover, dandelions, etc. Treats from the kitchen whenever available. In the last week or so, they've gotten cantaloupe seeds, papaya seeds and skins, and chopped up...
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    Two Eggs in a Day? Tube Egg?

    Hi everyone, long time lurker, first time poster! I got a weird one this morning. One of my Rhode Island Reds did not want to get off the roost this morning for about 15 minutes, and when she did finally come down she was looking very dumpy and lethargic. Within about 5 minutes, she squatted in...
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