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  1. Trailcookie

    Cream Legbar Eggs Individually Sold

    I would like to order 10 hatching eggs if you can ship in the next week. Would that work for you? Tammy
  2. Trailcookie

    Momma Hen is not teaching chicks how to drink...what do I do?

    Thank you both for the input. I ended up taking them out one at a time and giving them water with a dropper which they greedily consumed. Once they returned to the run, they figured out in just a couple of hours how to get water from the nipple feeders. Now, I am hoping they will start eating...
  3. Trailcookie

    Momma Hen is not teaching chicks how to drink...what do I do?

    My 1 year old hen just hatched out 3 chicks late Monday. She kept them in the nest on Tuesday but by Wednesday they were out in the run with the rest of the flock during the day. She is showing the chicks how to peck and scratch but not how to eat out of the feeders or drink out of the...
  4. Trailcookie

    How do I integrate an adult hen into my closed flock?

    Thanks for the tips! Yesterday p.m. I put her (RIR) in our outside tractor where she can see our hens and they can see her, but they can't physically attack each other. My hens have spent alot of time checking her out yesterday and today. She seems quite aggravated she can't get out but she...
  5. Trailcookie

    How do I integrate an adult hen into my closed flock?

    I had one of my Red Star hens die out of the blue this week and picked up a Rhode Island Red off through my local Craigs List so that my level of egg production could continue. My flock was born in May and has been closed. The RIR is more of a rescue as she has already been kicked out of two...
  6. Trailcookie

    Chicks sleep in nesting box

    Ok - I have 6 hens who are about 10 weeks old. This is my first time raising chicks so I have no idea what to expect. When I moved them from their brooder box to their outdoor coop about 5 1/2 weeks ago, they right away began sleeping in the inside portion of their coop, but within the first...
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