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  1. Coexcharlie

    The kids and I processed our very first chicken!!

    Great job. I have a separate pen right now with my excess roos.... just haven't gotten up the nerve to off them yet. It is hard for me to do for some reason.... It wouldn't be my first time killin and processing a critter as I hunt deer, hogs, and squirrel...... but I guess I have got attached...
  2. Coexcharlie

    APRIL FOOLS HATCH, give or take a day.....who's in ??

    Quote: I agree! still not sure about the rest.... I had 41 eggs in the bator and 3 have actually hatched now. I hope some more start pippin soon. gettin worried
  3. Coexcharlie

    APRIL FOOLS HATCH, give or take a day.....who's in ??

    Well I have 2 out and in the brooder now! I don't have as many pips as I think I should on the other eggs tho.... They should all pip somewhat around the same time right? Also, it looks like we have one that did not make it still stuck in the egg. There is a big hole where it began to break...
  4. Coexcharlie

    APRIL FOOLS HATCH, give or take a day.....who's in ??

    Now how long is it ok to leave it in the bator while waiting on the others to emerge? like I said this IS my first time im leanin on all you pros out there. I read all this stuff before......... but I have slept since then.
  5. Coexcharlie

    APRIL FOOLS HATCH, give or take a day.....who's in ??

    My first ever chick that I have made from scratch just fought its way outta the shell! I did it right! YAY!
  6. Coexcharlie

    Just set 34 eggs in the bator... March 3rd hatch... who's with me? lol

    Well I guess these arent good anymore My friend that is incubating my eggs for me just called me and told me that the temp was 120 when he checked it this mornin.................. Eggs need to be thrown out i guess right? 35 is a lot to lose for me. He said that he wants to keep an eye on it...
  7. Coexcharlie

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I got 21 chicken eggs one of em is twice the size as the rest! I feel sorry for the poor girl that laid that one. And I also got 2 duck eggs. I have got to start selling more eggs! How much do you folks that sell some eggs get for em?
  8. Coexcharlie

    Just set 34 eggs in the bator... March 3rd hatch... who's with me? lol

    This is my first time making chickens from scratch! I put 35 in the incubator yesterday. I am soooo excited. The only thing that sucks is they are at a friend's house a couple miles down the road in their bator due to the inconvenient fact that I have no incubator........ I hope I don't miss too...
  9. Coexcharlie

    Easy squeazy home made candler

    That is awesome! I am making one tomorrow. I am makin some chickens from scratch for the first time and am VERY excited about it. Thanks for the pics and instructions.
  10. Coexcharlie

    first time trying...

    I found some eggs in a couple different locations than I usually check for eggs... not real sure how old they are. How can I tell if it is worth trying to incubate them. I have about 30 that are going in the bator tomorrow that I know are from yesterday and today. The other ones I found i'm not...
  11. Coexcharlie

    If you have a dog.....

    Quote: I thought the pic was great too........... but my chicken stock looks nothing like that
  12. Coexcharlie


    I was just given 4 serama roos that came from Jerry's Seramas, they are awesome. Tiny little fellows and are the sweetest roos I have ever held. I was petting one and he was almost purring he was enjoying it so much. I am stoked about adding them to my feathered family. I would now like to get...
  13. Coexcharlie

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    In Lafayette here........well actually Judice, but no one knows where that is typically
  14. Coexcharlie


    I am finally getting eggs from mine too, I get 3 a day for now till all the other girls stop being lazy and make me some eggs . I have had some that are almost emerald green and some that are brown to tan and brown with spots. I love it and they are soo much better than the store eggs. I just...
  15. Coexcharlie

    Hello from the third coast

    Hello all I started this account a while back and hadn't been on here in a bit..... I have a great mixed flock of birds. Production reds,polish crested, barred rock,some EE's, americauna, rir,banty silkies and cochins, and a turkey I don't know the breed of, also 2 pekin ducks. Well I hope to be...
  16. Coexcharlie

    Incubator cam!

    cool stuff thanks for sharing.. looks like I stumbled across at the perfect time. Only wish my kids were still up
  17. Coexcharlie

    Help! One of my pullets is a roo!

    Both look like roos to me, the one in the rear on the first photo defiantly. Hens would have much smaller combs and pinkish.
  18. Coexcharlie

    First time rooster crow!

    I have a bantam cochin that is temporarily taking up residence in my utility room with a couple of girls (cochins, silkies) he crowed the other morning. I am sure it was the first time because the girls kinda freaked out. It was the cutest thing I have ever heard.......he sounds like a broken...
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