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  1. M

    Hen limping - no reason

    I had a hen that had a bad limp she would limp and then just lay down. I put her in a cage and fed her a vitamin B complex crushed on scrambled egg plus her feed every day for 7 or 8 days after she could walk but still limped kept giving her the B complex every other day now I give her 1/2 tab...
  2. M

    When Should an Automatic Coop Door Close? Are my chickens night owls?

    I have same problem I have 10 hens 1-1/2 years old and 7 hens, 5 months old, the young ones go in early but the older hens don't go in before the door closes so I have to go out and open the door so they can get in. I notice the young ones are up and out early in the morning and the older hens...
  3. M

    Does anyone have Barnevelder/ Rhode Island Red hybirds? When do they start laying?

    Does anyone have Barnevelder/ Rhode Island Red hybirds? When do they start laying?
  4. M

    Is honking noise with no other symptoms normal?

    My 12 week old chicks honk like a goose, I thought maybe it was the breed because my other chickens never sounded like that! It is funny!!
  5. M

    chickens limps but only sometimes

    I think you are right to keep her with the flock, I have one too that is still limping and could find no injuries I put her in a cage in the garage for 2 weeks then tried to put her back with the flock and they attacked her but I was right there so she didn't get hurt I fenced her off near the...
  6. M

    Chicken still limping

    Hi, how is your chicken doing? is she still limping? Mine is still limping but not as bad. I have 7 new chicks (10 weeks old) now one of them is limping! I am wondering if I have a bully that is hurting them I haven't seen any attacks just the occasional peck so I am not sure. The original limpy...
  7. M

    Chicken still limping

    Hi, she is still limping I think she dislocated something or bad sprain it has been 4 weeks but she is back with the flock (kind of) she stays with the flock until bedtime then she flies over the fence we have around the patio and comes to the door for me to take her to her cage in the garage...
  8. M

    Chicken still limping

    I will try that thank You
  9. M

    Chicken still limping

    She would not put weight on it she would keep touching the ground and flexing her toes, she is walking on it now but limping.
  10. M

    Chicken still limping!AkHyJ3q4biCRgs0qQxJ_A9yoi3MosQ?e=pdjbLn
  11. M

    Chicken still limping!AkHyJ3q4biCRgs0qQxJ_A9yoi3MosQ?e=pdjbLn
  12. M

    Chicken still limping

  13. M

    Chicken still limping

    My 14 month old chicken has been limping for over 3 weeks, It's not bumble foot I have soaked for 1-1/2 weeks in epsom salt, given her 1/2 baby aspirin keeping her in dog cage at night have a small pen on grass during the day near the other chickens, can't let her with flock they attack her. She...
  14. M

    Buff Orpingtons?

    I need to apologize to Meyer hatchery, I thought I ordered Buff Orpingtons that is the ones I wanted but I looked up my order and it says Golden Buff chicks which is Red Sex Link, not sure who made mistake but probably me, Sorry!
  15. M

    Buff Orpingtons?

    Yes, I got the meal maker they are all the same except 1 which looks like a Leg Bar or Easter Egger.
  16. M

    Buff Orpingtons?

    Thank You!
  17. M

    Buff Orpingtons?

    I am very disappointed I waited extra 2 weeks to get the Buffs, I will be calling Meyers tomorrow.
  18. M

    Buff Orpingtons?

    I ordered 10 Buff Orpington chicks from Meyer hatchery and I was reading one of the answers to a questions that was asked about Buffs and they said they had white legs mine have yellow. Are they Buffs? if not what are they?
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