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  1. vonchick

    HELP! sticktight fleas and new chicks

    Our Japanese bantam hen returned today from wherever she hid her nest - with two new chicks. We've been fighting a war on sticktight fleas, and since this hen has been away for the last few weeks, she hasn't received any treatment. Her head is literally covered with fleas. Using a small, soft...
  2. vonchick

    Ended Pictures Needed - Official Caption Contest Submissions Thread #1

    So this is where scrambled eggs come from!
  3. vonchick

    crazy overcrowding of nest box

    [/IMG] This kitty litter bucket nest box sits on top of a row of clean, roomy EMPTY nest boxes. My husband put the bucket out when we got some bantams, thinking the small hens would prefer a smaller nest box. The bantams never even looked at it (they choose to lay in the waste paper basket.)...
  4. vonchick

    How often should I check for worms?

    My flock got their second dose of Safegaurd 10 weeks ago, so when egg production dropped off, and then one of my best hens started losing weight and became lethargic, I didn't think to check for worms. Then last night when I checked the failing hen, I could see she had passed large roundworms...
  5. vonchick

    2 chickens dead today... ideas why?

    Chickens hide their illnesses, and once they appear sick can go down very quickly. Without having a fecal exam done it can't be certain that worms are the culprit, but it's a good place to start. Especially with diarrhea as a symptom.
  6. vonchick


    Ameraucana. They are just the sweetest birds!
  7. vonchick

    Hen's can Vomit! (I really didn't know this!) What is causing my little Hen to become so sick all of

    Sounds like my hen when she had sour crop. With my husband's help I held her with her head downward and stroked upwards on her crop to get her to vomit the fluid. (Very carefully to make sure she didn't aspirate any fluid, and with very frequent breaks to allow her to breathe.) When her crop was...
  8. vonchick

    Bright red poop (photos) in 5-8 week old chicks. Cocci?

    Great news all around - on the cocci and the eggs!
  9. vonchick

    Bright red poop (photos) in 5-8 week old chicks. Cocci?

    We've seen the little ones shed some pretty impressive intestinal lining! :) If you have a vet check, please post the results.
  10. vonchick

    Bright red poop (photos) in 5-8 week old chicks. Cocci?

    Just my two cents - that looks like intestinal lining. Our chicks are the same age as yours, and we're are seeing some of the same sort of poops. I had my intro to cocci last year when I decoded to rescue some chicks being kept in deplorable conditions at the feed store. (bad, bad idea!) After...
  11. vonchick

    Salmon Colored Urates

    My birds do the same. I did some research when I found the first overnight poop with coral urates and learned it's normal.
  12. vonchick

    Hen being attacked by rooster

    That's fascinating! I had no idea. Makes me wonder why he sees the one hen like that - he's had the same attitude towards her since she was a year old, and she's always been one of my best layers.
  13. vonchick

    Hen being attacked by rooster

    Our rooster appears to hate one of our hens. If he can get to her he will chase her down and attack her, and it's clear he's not trying to mate. It looks like he's trying to kill her. And she just lays there and takes it. We've kept her in a separate pen with the little birds for 3 years now...
  14. vonchick

    Flock Dying Over the Course of A Year

    From what I've read, ivermectin kills mites but is pretty much useless against worms. So the safeguard would need to be given twice, 10 days apart, to do the job.
  15. vonchick

    Flock Dying Over the Course of A Year

    When I was new to keeping chickens and had never wormed them, I saw one roundworm. That was when I called my vet and was told wazine got rid of worms in chickens. After using the wazine at regular intervals for a year, the hens looked bad again - no worms were visible. I gave one more dose of...
  16. vonchick

    Flock Dying Over the Course of A Year

    Try a more effective wormer. Wazine gets only roumdworm, ivermectin is not effective. Safeguard or Valbazen, retreat in 10 days. Search treads for correct dosages. My vet had said wazine was all we needed, and I lost a few birds before learning from BYC and worming my flock with safeguard. The...
  17. vonchick

    vent gleet treatment question

    I just realized I never updated Carmellita's story. We had some health problems of our own to deal with at the time we'd decided to put her down, and neither one of us could handle doing it. Because I figured she only had a little time left, I let her have all the brown rice and buttermilk she...
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