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  1. S

    First egg!

    We got our first egg today! It was either an Orpington or Barred Rock who laid it, but it really doesn’t matter to me. My question is whether or not I have to switch to layer feed if 1/7 hens is laying and whether or not to introduce oyster shell. I have grit in their run at all times, does...
  2. S

    Help with base of run

    I think I made a mistake when I put my ladies out in their coop with the attached run. I didn't prep the run in any way, shape or form, and just assumed the dirt/grass/weed situation was good enough. Now that it's been a few weeks obviously the weeds/grass are gone and it's just bare soil, but...
  3. S

    Easter Egger Roo?

    I have 2 Easter Eggers in my mini flock. They’re about 7 weeks old (I know it’s early), this one is substantially larger than the other one and its coloring is different. The hatchery I bought them from only guarantees 90% are sexed correctly. Is it possible this one is a rooster? Or do I have...
  4. S

    Chicks for show and tell

    We’re getting our chicks on Friday and my daughter wants to bring them to school and the teacher has approved. A few questions: 1. How old should the chicks be before I bring them to school? 2. Can they be away from the heat for 90 minutes? 3. If I have to transport them with the heat, do I...
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