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    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    I LOVE Alan Rickman!!!!!!! We lost him Much too soon...
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    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    I am not LGBT, but I have many friends and family members who are, and I see no problem with you trying to find a community of like minded individuals on here, unlike some of the others who have replied who seem to have their panties in a twist over a simple posted question.
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    What keeps your chickens cool in the summer?

    I made a chicken popcicle with their favorite treats in it. I took one of my large silver mixing bowls put a little water in the bottom, put some blueberries in it, froze that, added a little more water, froze that, added kale, etc etc etc. With layers of strawberries, cherries, spinach, and...
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    When you both want to nest in your favorite roost & the other hen just won't move!

    I Guess it’s like when us women go to the public restroom in groups. Maybe they just don’t want to lay eggs alone 😂🤣
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    When you both want to nest in your favorite roost & the other hen just won't move!

    So I went out to do my morning check on the ladies. Gave them their favorite treat - blueberries. Called out my "chick, chick, chick, chick" and only got a few takers. Which was strange. So I went into the coop and found this! LOL! I pulled the green egg out from under Hawkeye, but apparently...
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    Chickens make me laugh!

    She was done roosting, but she posed for a closeup :)
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    Chickens make me laugh!

    So I just went out to do my afternoon check on my ladies. I took them some fresh spinach - one of their faves and was missing one of my bantams, Flash!! Which meant she was probably roosting - YEP! So, I went into the coop and there she was, the little red speckled cutie all huddled up in her...
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    New chicken mom in Phoenix, AZ

    We just got a new house in Phoenix and inherited a coop with 4 bantams and 4 larger chickens and we love them! The previous owners, who are friends, are going to build a coop and take the bantams but we'll still have our 4 big ladies. We need to build or buy another coop since this one's wood is...
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