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  1. K

    Follow up thread! 2 pullets and a roo??

    Yep! Previous ones at 4 weeks old in the link at the top. I can't have roosters where I'm at so I'm trying to figure out the sexes asap, me being able to keep them at all kind of rides on my neighbors not complaining so the screamy boys gotta GO
  2. K

    Follow up thread! 2 pullets and a roo??

    See here! First posted two weeks ago! Barnyard mutts and a light brahma sexing I dont know the genre but I'll listen to their album They are now 6 weeks old and Cheryl seems to have a lot of ameraucana in her? Please tell me she's still a she, I love this poof Then here's Cucumber; I was...
  3. K

    4.5 week old barnyard mutts - place a bet!

    Black/dark grey legs and the bottom of his feet are flesh colored
  4. K

    4.5 week old barnyard mutts - place a bet!

    I would love it if the black one was a pullet, thank you for giving me hope 🥲 I love black birds but have had 0 luck with them so far! No idea what the breed is but after some googling it's very possible Cucumber is some kind of maran mix, the whole clutch looked like marans
  5. K

    4.5 week old barnyard mutts - place a bet!

    Well, two barnyard mutts and a light brahma. Nearly feathered up, will follow up in 2 weeks! I think I've got one hen and two roos, as is my luck. Holding them like overstuffed chipotle burritos was the only why I could get clear pics. First is Chernoble Elephant Foot (Cheryl) - I think hen...
  6. K

    Hen vs Roo behaviors as chicks?

    Just wondering if there are any behaviors you've noticed in chicks less than a month old that might be good indications of their sex! I've got three 3 week old straight run chicks right now and I think two of them might be boys just based on how I've seen them stand up tall, nearly chest to...
  7. K

    Single EE sexing help

    Hellooooo! I am brand new to chickens and need some help sexing this lil beep. Beatrice here was sold to me as a lavender easter egger by another backyard chicken keeper who kept a looooot of different breeds together, so really we have no idea what she is! She's 7.5 weeks old now, her lil pea...
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