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  1. MotherofRaptors

    5 1/2 Month old Buff

    My BO Hen, BB, laid her first eggs in the last day or so! I was not expecting this for a few reasons: 1. She seems quite small, but she’s my first BO so maybe her size is normal for her age 🤔 2. I thought since it’s February (in Oklahoma) that there wouldn’t be enough daylight or proper...
  2. MotherofRaptors

    Hiddy-Ho chicken neighbors! 👋🏻🐓

    Hello there! So I’ve been deep diving on this site for the last year or so and decided I should probably not be a troll and join up! I have 5 girls (three BR’s, one Red Star, and one tiny Leghorn mix): Dorothy, Blanche, Ginger Roberts, Rose, and Sophia. I’ve had my girls for two years. Bought...
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