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  1. F

    Five-month old Australorp suddenly lame. Update: Now another pullet going lame!

    Always thinking while cleaning the coop... Another potential help may be cat's claw, uncaria tomentosa. It's touted to be anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, etc while also helping to restore DNA. I know it's used against herpes viruses, but some websites indicate that it's also being used to...
  2. F

    Five-month old Australorp suddenly lame. Update: Now another pullet going lame!

    I found your thread a few weeks ago after you'd linked to it on another member's post, and I've been reading for information as well as a shared appreciation for your girls. I just wanted to throw something else out there, not knowing if your situation is static or otherwise. I've been reading...
  3. F

    14-week-old possible leg injury? These were from: and I'm not sure how to link the thread itself here, but the thread title and OP is: Chicken can't stand or walk, paralyzed?? Thread starterGotalotofpetstoo I...
  4. F

    14-week-old possible leg injury?

    I'm so sorry. It may be completely unrelated; dont lose hope! There is a live test for Mareks that was posted on a thread I've been watching. back in a few minutes after I look it up.
  5. F

    14-week-old possible leg injury?

    I'm so very sorry. No loss is less than heart wrenching. 💙
  6. F

    14-week-old possible leg injury?

    It hurts so much to be unable to ease their suffering and to be unable to heal them. After I lost my sweetest girl - the one who was lame and yet came running to me just to sit on my feet - I cried a lot. And still feel grieved when I don't see her in the run. I, and I'm cetain so many others...
  7. F

    14-week-old possible leg injury?

    I'm so sorry. I have too little experience to offer except maybe adding electrolytes to her water. (You may be able to pick up Rooster Booster with vitamins, electrolytes, and probiotics, or try a diy electrolyte recipe found online.) Continuing to hope!
  8. F

    14-week-old possible leg injury?

    Hi! Just wondering how your girl is doing? Any improvement?🙏
  9. F

    14-week-old possible leg injury?

    Similar experience... what? We bought land?! We MUST have an immediate garden and chickens while renovating a house! 😄No previous livestock experience, though. My husband thinks I'm crazy for making our chickens into pets. I hear you! It can be overwhelming, but rewarding. Please keep us...
  10. F

    14-week-old possible leg injury?

    My girl started with a limp which got progressively worse. I'm ashamed to say, after a few weeks the curled toes appeared. Until then, I had only the assumption that she had a joint or tendon that was painful and needed rest. My delay in getting her the right vitamins caused her permanent...
  11. F

    14-week-old possible leg injury?

    I'm quite new to chicken keeping myself, but had a pullet begin limping. I'll save you the details of my experience and instead refer you to look up curly toe paralysis. She may need higher doses of b vitamins.
  12. F

    Thick scaly, flaking skin (not legs)

    I'm wondering if you figured out what the problem was.
  13. F

    Good morning, All!

    I'm glad to say that the predator issue hasn't been within our coop or run, but sad to say free ranging is limited now to when I can be outside.
  14. F

    Good morning, All!

    Thank you! We're in Virginia!
  15. F

    Good morning, All!

    Tried explaining the "chicken math" concept to my husband. Had to demonstrate! 😆
  16. F

    Good morning, All!

    Thank you! That's my hope, too. If I can't get it under control, I'll be back with questions
  17. F

    Good morning, All!

    We brought home our first little flock of Sapphire Gems and Silver Laced Wyandottes in September of 2021 and have added new chicks in March and just brought in four Barred Rocks and two Golden Comets. The chicks are now happily mingling with our older girls, and the pullets are watching...
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