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  1. Psyduck Girl

    Any Bantam Australorp breeders in/near New England?

    Thank you for the resource! Unfortunately I already used the search feature that covers the whole board, and no one ever mentioned bantam Australorps until this thread. If you search on Google, even this thread already comes up on the first page of the results lol. Guess I'm not holding out much...
  2. Psyduck Girl

    LGDs/other guard dogs and house guests

    If the dog is so attuned to their owner's emotions that being a bit miffed over an empty ice cube tray entices a reaction, wouldn't this hold true for any other interaction though, including with the visitors themselves? I even introduce my most perceptive cat to new people so she feels more...
  3. Psyduck Girl

    Any Bantam Australorp breeders in/near New England?

    This may be an unusual request (but knowing other chicken people... maybe not?), but I'm looking for a young bantam Australorp pullet after losing my beloved "garden therapy" chicken last year. She was a real one, but I've read that the Australorp temperament is pretty similar to hers and they...
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