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  1. Lucky Clucky Ladies


    For your Friday pleasure…my girls sent the Queen of the Union Pecking Order to our door camera to file a grievance that the flock did not get their morning treats today 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️
  2. Lucky Clucky Ladies


    I’ll make sure it’s cleaned and have a beverage waiting 😝
  3. Lucky Clucky Ladies


    Hey y’all! I’d love to build a network of backyard chicken peeps around the Comal county area. I’m a first time chicken mama and it would be amazing to start a local human flock 🐥 🧘🏻‍♀️ Meet some of my beautiful ladies
  4. Lucky Clucky Ladies


  5. Lucky Clucky Ladies

    Post your daily egg basket collection

    I just love how beautiful all the eggs are 🥰 out of our 11, 6 are laying. I was shocked when I watched our leghorn lay the 2 little round green eggs andour Americauna lay the two white/pinkish eggs. If I didn’t see it with my own eyes I would never have guess 🤔😃
  6. Lucky Clucky Ladies


    We were hoping for a couple drops of rain but I’ll take the cooler weather. This summer has been brutal
  7. Lucky Clucky Ladies


    Hey y’all I’m here in Spring Branch TX and have have 2 handsome Rhode Island Red roosters to rehome. They were missexed and unfortunately I can’t keep them because my heart hen has a neurological disorder and they constantly are trying to mate with her causing her to distress and seizures.
  8. Lucky Clucky Ladies

    2 Rhode Island Red roosters

    Spring Branch Texas. I’m so horrible at figuring out and where I should post on here 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️
  9. Lucky Clucky Ladies

    2 Rhode Island Red roosters

    I need to rehome 2 four month old missexed roosters. I tried to keep them but unfortunately I have a hen who has a neurological disorder and the two gang up on her and cause her too much stress and she’s petrified of them.
  10. Lucky Clucky Ladies

    2 Rhode Island Red roosters

    Thank you that does help!
  11. Lucky Clucky Ladies

    2 Rhode Island Red roosters

    Hey y’all! I’m in Spring Branch, TX and I have 2 roosters I need to rehome. They were missexed and I cannot keep them. I have an amazing sweet chicken with a neurological disability and they will not stop trying to mate with her and it has increased her seizures. Would love to keep the two Roos...
  12. Lucky Clucky Ladies

    Glorious Sunrise

    He’s just one of 4 😅🥰
  13. Lucky Clucky Ladies

    Glorious Sunrise

    Another amazing sunrise, my favorite time of day with my chicks and fur babies ♥️🌄
  14. Lucky Clucky Ladies

    Hey y’all!

    Hey y’all! Excited to join the community. I’ve wanted to be a chicken mama for years and the dream finally came true this spring! We have 13 total. 11 hens and what we thought was 1 rooster but our Annie has now become Ralph 🤣🥰 I just love these babies and can’t believe how entertaining they...
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