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  1. L

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Carrot seed at a 1/4" deep would have floated all over the garden. :D
  2. L

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Yesterday at light I tilled a bit of the garden to get 3 rows of carrots/ radish seed in, always put a radish seed in the carrot rows about a foot apart for marking the rows. Beet the storm by an hour or so and am glad I put narrow pieces of wood over the rows because it poured and would of just...
  3. L

    Shell-less (and membrane-less!) eggs?

    You want the calcium citrate +D3, I got mine at walmart. The 1 shell less egg may just of been a fluke if you got a normal one.
  4. L

    Chronic soft egg issue

    I have a EE with the same issue, I've gotten shell less, lash, double yoke's and huge shelled eggs. She lays some sort of egg I think every other day, most are shell less which she usually will eat.
  5. L

    What's the temperature where you are???

    46F this morning with sun shine.
  6. L

    Back up at the nesting box's.

    I have 3 nesting boxes and 7 hens, this morning one hen just having a melt down (very vocal), I went to investigate and 2 boxes had 2 hens and the 3rd had one and she was so upset she was being mean to the 7th hen that was just a by-stander. Funny times. :cool:
  7. L

    Hello from Wisconsin

    Welcome the coop will be a fun project.
  8. L

    Chicks just vanishing

    Fly a drone with camera over to the neighbors to spy. lol.
  9. L

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Turned the compost pile and cleaned out the chicken run, added it to the pile.
  10. L


    If your not planning on hatching chicks he would have to go if he was mine if all the girls look like that.
  11. L

    Force them to eat dumped food?

    Thats just part of raising chicks, they spill a lot feed. With mine I let them pick through the shavings for food but always had feed in the feeder also.
  12. L

    Hey All

    So sorry, you must love keeping animals because most would of gave up. 👍
  13. L

    Polish Killed how?

    A camera will be nice but you need 1/2"x1/2" hardware cloth to keep weasels out.
  14. L

    Hen or Roo?

    Looks like a pullet to me.
  15. L

    More Mice😭

    There is many 5 gallon bucket traps that catch mice in numbers, I made mine but are options you can buy. 3 to 4" of water in the bucket the mice fall in and drown. I've had 3 in the bucket 1 morning.
  16. L

    What's the temperature where you are???

    25F this morning, should see 60.
  17. L

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I never tried it but have herd hydrogen peroxide helps old seed to germinate, might be worth looking into.
  18. L

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    6 from 7 can't complain about that. :D
  19. L

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Turned the fan on so my tomato plants don't get leggy. Some petunia I started about 6 weeks ago are getting buds. :D
  20. L

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    6 and slop from a shell less egg :( , from 7.
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