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  • Users: Racsan
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Racsan

    4 cinnamon queens and 1 ?

    I got 5 cinnamon queens about a month ago, they are getting feathers now and 1 of them is noticeably smaller with darker feathers, im not sure if its a different breed that got in with the others or if maybe its a roo. They are in a makeshift pen inside the chicken house so they can see/be seen...
  2. Racsan

    new chickens!

    Got 5 new birds last weekend, rural king had a clearance on some birds that have been there awhile. Normally they average at $4 a bird. The clearance chickens were $1.50 each. Got me some cinnamon queens to go with my black sex links, isa brown, bantam & amaracana.
  3. Racsan

    front yard refrigerator-winter?

    I sell my extra eggs out in the front yard with a small fridge in a trailer, It turned cold and im wondering if eggs will freeze out there or if the insulation of the fridge will keep that from happening. I like my sales setup because I takes care of itself and Im not much of a people person...
  4. Racsan

    my coop evolution over the last year

    We have had our chickens now for about a year & a half, started out with a basic tsc coop we found used on marketplace, we then found a 4’ high kennel for a yard area for it, then I got a 12x12 kennel as a attachment and used the smaller kennel as roof panels , then tarped it up for winter. I...
  5. Racsan

    odd egg

    Im not sure if I have a problem or not, every so often (twice a month maybe) I get a egg like this, its solid but fragile, contents normal. Does worry me a little. All the birds have access to grit and oyster shells, feed is “rural king layer cumbles”- $12/50#. Im not sure which bird it is, I...
  6. Racsan

    New from central ohio

    Hello, im in the north central ohio area. I have 10 chickens at this time and house them in a purpose built building I made over the summer. Most of my birds are black sex-link birds, one is a americana that lays a greenish egg, 1 bantam hen and bird of unknown breed but is similar to a rhode...
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