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  1. happychic

    Pasty Butt Won't Come Off! Please Help!!!!

    I gave all 15 of my baby chicks a bath in shallow, warm (NOT HOT) water in groups of three at a time. After a couple of minutes of soaking most fell off on its own. A couple more minutes with some gentle washing with an old rag completed the job. After each chick was done I immediately patted...
  2. happychic

    Broody hen looks like she is wet?

    Thank you :) And thank you for the link, also. I am about to go check on her again and see what I can do.
  3. happychic

    Five month old Rooster Flogging

    Just wanted to post an update. I am very happy to say that since his chastisement with the bristle end of a broom McNugget appears to be a reformed bird. He thought about causing trouble once or twice, but a look at the broom changed his mind. It appears to have been a phase. He needed to be...
  4. happychic

    Broody hen looks like she is wet?

    My Silver Phoenix hen has been broody all summer. Every day I pick her up out of the nesting box and gather the eggs she is trying to hatch. Today when I pick her up I see she has bedding on her back (not normal). I brush it off and realize her tummy is wet with bedding matted to her feathers...
  5. happychic

    Five month old Rooster Flogging

    I agree. He is free range and there is no catching him to pen him up today. The older kids have been told to not run, but scare him off (with the broom if neccessary). The younger obviously won't be allowed near him now that he has begun acting this way. He has until tonight to learn or to be...
  6. happychic

    Five month old Rooster Flogging

    Thank you for your reply. Since I posted this morning, he has attacked my nine year old. Not happy right now :(
  7. happychic

    Five month old Rooster Flogging

    This is McNugget about two weeks ago.
  8. happychic

    Five month old Rooster Flogging

    My five month old Partridge Rock flogged my friends children yesterday. I have kids, we have kids over pretty regularly and have never had a problem before. The first time it happened was to a ten year old boy. He wasn't bothering McNugget or the hens, but he was completely dressed in red...
  9. happychic

    Lethargic 2 month old Silver Phoenix

    Sorry it's been a while, but I wanted to post an update. After two days in the house being completely dry and warm with little tastes of yogurt mixed into his feed, MacGyver (the Siver Phoenix) was well enough to go outside and rejoin the others. His body temperature rose again, his breath felt...
  10. happychic

    Lethargic 2 month old Silver Phoenix

    Thank you for the links :) Not offended at all! I am grateful you took the time to try and help. He refused yogurt last night, but did perk up a little bit and ate some feed this morning. He feels like skin and bones when I pick him up though. Crop is very empty. I set him outside to see if he...
  11. happychic

    Lethargic 2 month old Silver Phoenix

    He has eaten a little and finally pooped. It is runnier than it should be, with white cap and pretty stinky. Thanks, again for helping.
  12. happychic

    Lethargic 2 month old Silver Phoenix

    He is allowed to free range with 6 other chicks his age. I also have 4 grown hens who are sleeping in a separate part of the coop at nighttime. They also free range during the day but don't interact much with the chicks at this point. The chicks are fed normal chick feed. I was a little...
  13. happychic

    Lethargic 2 month old Silver Phoenix

    Our first and only two month old Silver Phoenix roo is very lethargic. We noticed he was moving slow yesterday and is worse today. No runny nose or cough. Drinks a tiny bit of water with acv but refuses chick feed. I am worried he may have slept on the ground instead of the perch and gotten...
  14. happychic

    How long is a bag of medicated chick feed good for?

    Thank you so much. I appreciate it!
  15. happychic

    How long is a bag of medicated chick feed good for?

    We bought a bag of medicated chick feed last spring when one of our hens went broody. Unfortunately, none of the eggs were fertilized! Is it safe to feed our chicks this year from that same unopened bag? I've googled this and can't seem to find a shelf life. Thanks for your help!
  16. happychic

    Blood on shell of eggs

    I was so grateful to find this post today. My barred rock had the same bright red blood on the shell of the egg and in her bedding. From what I could see her vent looked ok. Hope your hens are still doing ok.
  17. happychic

    Feather Plucker

    They have been together for a while and I think they've got their order down. It actually seems to be getting worse insted of better as time goes on. I will try the sunflower seeds and hope for the best Thank you
  18. happychic

    Feather Plucker

    I have four chickens, three are hens and one is a roo. One of the hens is particularly vicious to one of the others. Their coop is 4x4 with an attached run twice that size and they are let out to roam almost every day for most of the day. They also have a self feeder stocked with corn and dry...
  19. happychic

    poop on vent feathers

    Is her poo normal or is it runny or a funny color? Had a hen with sticky looking white poo on her tail feathers. She didn't make it, but I'm pretty sure in her case at least it was an egg laying issue. The warm baths seemed to help her at first, so I would definetely try that if you haven't...
  20. happychic

    Underwear makes a great sling! UPDATED with Pics added

    What a great idea! I will definetely remember this if the need ever comes up
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