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  1. S

    Will this coyote come back

    9 days ago a coyote dug under our run and got one of our chickens some time after 6am. 8 days later it returned at 7:50am, stayed no longer than 10 minutes, barely tried to dig in around spots then left. I believe the chickens hid in the coop. As it passed by my neighbors house it got in a...
  2. S

    Brown spot in eggs

    Once my 2 year old hen started laying again after winter all of her eggs have had this spot in them. What is it and how can we stop it from happening? She mainly eats manapro laying pellets with 16% protein and manapro ultimate scratch. She's never had the spots before and now they seem to be in...
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    Impacted crop from oyster shells?

    Has anyone ever experienced an impacted crop from oyster shells? We thought one of our chickens had sour crop and after taking it to the vet for a crop flush we were told she had stones in her crop. This didn't exactly make sense given the "stone" we were shown was bright white and looked...
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    Sour Crop Treatment

    One of our chickens currently has sour crop. we have isolated her, massaged, given ACV, drained the crop, pretty much all the basic measures you see when looking for treatment options. She is acting relatively normal, but her crop will not seem to fully empty and today she her poop was green. We...
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