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    how to get grass to grow in the run?

    Love the sod/salad bar idea! We also give our girls the grass clippings when we mow. Doesn't last long, but they get some greens and love to scratch around in it!

    Is there such a thing as too many treats?

    I thought acidic foods like tomatoes were not good for chickens? I have never given to my girls, is it ok for them?

    organic scratch & peck vs. purina

    Have my girls on purina as supplement to free range, and fresh fruit and veggie scraps. I found out one of my local feed store carries an organic feed that's soy free and made locally. Any opinions on how much difference the organic makes, also as far as nutrition??? Thinking about changing...

    How To Get Chickens To Stop Pecking Another Chicken?

    We have already moved her to a temporary pen and cleaned the wound. Thank you for the vicks idea! We will give that a try as soon as the wound is healed. She is our favorite chicken and we don't want to have to get rid of her.

    How To Get Chickens To Stop Pecking Another Chicken?

    I have one chicken that gets constantly pecked, (to the point of bleeding) by the other girls. We moved her to a tractor with a new friend for about six months and she /they did fine. We had to get rid of the tractor, and put her back in then main coop. She has been back in there for about 3...

    How To Get Chickens To Stop Pecking Another Chicken?

    I have one chicken that constantly gets pecked (to the point of bleeding) by the other girls. We moved her too a tractor with a new friend for about six months. Now we have gotten rid of the tractor and moved her back in to the main coop. And the other girls are right back to picking on her...

    pullets think nest box is home

    We have two Americauna pullets, they are about 4 months old. They wont come out of the next box except to eat and drink. I think they got scared from when our two barred rocks turned out to be roosters and picked on them relentlessly. We got rid of barred rock roos, but they are still afraid...

    How To Get Rich Orange Yolks, Without Freerange

    We would like to let our girls free range, but worry about predators. They get lots of table scraps, veggies, fruits, etc. How do we get the yolks a rich orange color without free range? What is it that they get from the yard that does that? Protien from bugs, grass? I give them grass...

    Egg washing method

    I read to wash them in warm water with a papertowel and small amount of non-scented soap. Our girls are not laying yet, so haven't had the chance to try anything really.

    What is the best nesting material for boxes?

    Thanks for the answers! Do they eat the hay? Thats what I was thinking of using, but wondered if they would eat it.

    What is the best nesting material for boxes?

    I have seen shavings, straw, hay, combinations of these. What is the best?

    Question for Ameraucana owners

    We have 2 Americauna's that are about 10 weeks. They are more skittish around the other hens, but very sweet with us. Our 7 year old daughter likes to hold them, and they seem to like it too. When they are out in the yard, they tend to stick right where we are. They are my favorites. Not...

    Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

    We also are waiting!!! Have 2 Golden Laced Wyandottes that are around 16 weeks, (if they were in fact the age we were told when we got them). Also just picked up a Buff Orpington (she sure is pretty!) to replace a BR that turned out to be a roo. They said she is 7 months old, she should be...
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