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  1. Mygooseandrooster

    HOORAY! My Buff Orpington is finally broody and sitting on eggs! Now what to do to make sure she stays?

    I have been trying to get a broody mama for some time, but it just didn't seem to work out with moving them. Now I have one, and don't have to move it, and I just want to make sure I don't need to do anything else to keep her sitting. (I'm kind of paranoid now after all that's happened)
  2. Mygooseandrooster

    What should I do with a little sparrow fledgling?

    I found a little sparrow fledgling while trimming hedges, and I looked all around for its nest, but I could not find it. It seemed lost, and I nearly cut it to pieces, but I saw it in time. I brought it home, but I don't know how to raise it. I have a little house for it, but I need to figure...
  3. Mygooseandrooster

    All about Geese and Ducks!

    Yeah, our guard goose charges his pool every time I dump it out to refill it! XD
  4. Mygooseandrooster

    6 week old chickens

    Could you send a pic of the Wyandotte as it looks now?
  5. Mygooseandrooster

    6 week old chickens

    I remember the name now! It looks like a Sapphire Gem!
  6. Mygooseandrooster

    Will my rooster be okay with the switch?

    He should come out just fine, our rooster used to be the bottom of every pecking order, even the hens, and they picked on him a lot. He even got a bald spot on his back. He's just great now, though.
  7. Mygooseandrooster

    Problems with Roosters

    Yeah, I see. We have a black cochin who is huge (large fowl) and also right now has the hens all to himself(lucky fowl) XD Nobody of the other roosters ever tried messing with him, even though they were not bantams. He is really sweet, though.
  8. Mygooseandrooster

    Help me find Mr. Right!

    We actually have a goose and he has scared off hawks countless times. The thing about this is, though, he grew up with the chickens and bonded with them. He doesn’t do anything Bad with them like try to mate them because our roosters keep him in his place. Roosters though if they actually like...
  9. Mygooseandrooster

    Problems with Roosters

    What’s LF?
  10. Mygooseandrooster

    Otherwise great rooster singling out 1 hen to abuse. What to do?

    Normally it’sa good idea to have about Normally it’s a good idea to have 11-12 hens per one rooster, but @sourland is right, and you need to cull him, probably.
  11. Mygooseandrooster

    Problems with Roosters

    We had three roosters, and one didn’t fight at all. The other two ( golden Wyandotte and Buff Orpington) fought a lot though. The Wyandotte beat the Orpington pretty bad, so We just picked the one we wanted to keep and sent the Wyandotte to my sister. It was great after that.
  12. Mygooseandrooster

    All about Geese and Ducks!

    My sister-in-law has (I mean, had) ducks, a few weeks ago she finally got rid of them because they were more work than worth, and those five ducks were a bundle of trouble! XD The younger 3 would go down the ditch to the neighbors property and stay there at night, and it was a pain in the neck...
  13. Mygooseandrooster

    Duckling breed

    Actually, I just looked at Cayuga's again and I think it is a Caygua!
  14. Mygooseandrooster

    Duckling breed

    Hmm. I don't know what it is. I'm looking into it.
  15. Mygooseandrooster

    6 week old chickens

    The white one looks like a White Leghorn, the yellow and black is a Golden Wyandotte, the black and white speckled looks like a barred rock, the fourth pic looks like an ISA brown, and the sixth seems like a Buttercup, easter egger, or Whiting true green XD! They all can look very similar, so I...
  16. Mygooseandrooster

    Duckling breed

    Definitely not a black Swedish. My sister-in-law has three of those and they were not the same. Looks kind of like an Indian Runner
  17. Mygooseandrooster

    Duckling breed

    It doesn't quite look like a Cayuga.
  18. Mygooseandrooster

    Duckling breed

    Does it stand up really straight up and down or more like a normal duck? If it is really Straight, it even looks like a Runner.
  19. Mygooseandrooster

    Black marks on comb

    Yeah, our chickens get those a lot, even frost marks in the winter look like that, and also roosters get them when they fight because of the blood.
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