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  1. grandmas Nest

    Help I don't know whats happening

    Okay this morning she was back out in run. I put her in her own coop with layer pellets, and water with sulfadimethoxine in it I also added a little suger so maybe they will drink more of it. Our vet said to treat them all with this. So now I guess I have to throw eggs out for a while again. She...
  2. grandmas Nest

    Help I don't know whats happening

    There water is changed completely every 2 days plus waters disifected 2 times a week. The only one that was really weak like that is gone now. All the others acting fine. They run to me when I go in their run looking for a treat. If I put garden Sevin on them do I throw out the eggs for a...
  3. grandmas Nest

    Help I don't know whats happening

    BaGAWK!! : Quote: I have one with similar symptoms. How did the vet diagnose e. coli? What tests? How would they get e. coli? would it have to be something rotten they eat?
  4. grandmas Nest

    Help I don't know whats happening

    The first sign was late yesterday she just seemed ruffled up a little and I gave them all some ripe tomatoes and she just pecked a little., but was moving around fine with no other signs of being sick. The first two died with 2 hours of wobbling around. So to fast to try doing anything. I'am...
  5. grandmas Nest

    Help I don't know whats happening

    I have looked at all of them for mites and lice. I can't find any. Even in the dark when the little buggers would be more active. I just started a new bag of pellets a couple weeks ago and I can't find any moldy smell or anything with their feed. I only have 13 chickens so it takes a while to go...
  6. grandmas Nest

    Help I don't know whats happening

    I have 7 month old pullets, I posted a couple weeks ago about one. I lost one Oct3,Another one Oct 24.And now I have one thats bad again. This one I just found at the bottom of the ramp going in the chicken house. There has been very little sign of them being sick. Right now she moves like a...
  7. grandmas Nest

    Lost Another One Yesterday

    I posted yesterday about a sick chicken. I lost her. I have 13 chickens left. Lost one 3 Weeks ago too. They are 6 1/2 months old. The two that died do not have feathers on their butts. I looked a pictures of internal layers that look like they do. But the first one I looked inside and could not...
  8. grandmas Nest

    hen of 6 months sick help

    The one that is sick I seprated and put mothers vinigar in her water which I got her to drink a little but she hasn't moved at all. What do I use to deworm them and do I have to throw the eggs out? They are on a commercial layer pellet food. Then I give them cabbage, and stuff like that out of...
  9. grandmas Nest

    hen of 6 months sick help

    I lost one hen about 3 weeks ago, now today I have another one sick. Yellow runny poo, she is laying on the coop floor and when I try to make her stand up she is unbalanced. I got the shot for Markes when I bought them as babies in March. All seemed fine yesterday. They are not free ranging...
  10. grandmas Nest

    Galvanised versus plastic waterer?

    I use a plastic one that plugs in in the coop durning the winter along with a plastic heated dog bowl in the run durning the winter, but durning the summer I use the galvanised ones out side in the run.
  11. grandmas Nest

    Dont they look like they should be laying? - Video

    I have 12 BRs that were 20 weeks old today. I have 5 that are squatting but no brown eggs yet. I have 3 EEs that are 20 weeks old and 1 started laying a week ago. A pretty blue egg. First 2 in run, then 2 soft ones under roost and now the rest have been in the nests. But waiting on the BRs. But...
  12. grandmas Nest

    putting all together

    I have 9 - 14 month old chickens and then I have 20 - 11 week olds. They have been in seperate coops and runs with wire and a gate inside and outside. So they see each other trough the wire. I want to open the outside gate and see if they mingle together. Is it best to do this late in the...
  13. grandmas Nest

    The Olive-Egger thread!

    I don't have baby pictures of this EE but I love her coloring. She lays a cream colored egg.
  14. grandmas Nest

    OK in the coop?

    this is my first time with chicks but I moved mine to the coop at about 3 weeks old, with their light and made sure there was no drafts that would be on them and they have been fine. now 9 weeks old. No light, roosting, and running in and out of coop even in the rain.
  15. grandmas Nest

    Merging young flock with old

    Iam with you all. I have 5 ee's and 4 cinnimon queens that are 1 1/2 years old in one coop and run and 20 BR's and 5 EE's that are 10 weeks old in the other coop and run. They are seperated by fencing and they have been that way for a month now. I want to try opening gates to let them mix but I...
  16. grandmas Nest

    Am I a rooster or pullet

    If it is a roo I have a very good friend that going to take it. I will also be giving her a few barred rocks so I have the right amount for my coop and run area.
  17. grandmas Nest

    Am I a rooster or pullet

    They are a little grainy as I was zoomed in. Do these help.
  18. grandmas Nest

    Honest, I am only going to buy one.

    I had just had my 25 babies out in the coop for about 2 weeks when we went in a runnings store and I ended up coming out with 5 white leghorns. My other babies are 9 weeks old now and these are 1 1/2 weeks old so will have to keep them seperate for another 3 or 4 weeks and then a cage in the...
  19. grandmas Nest

    Am I a rooster or pullet

    I am an EE but still can't tell if its a rooster or pullet? It's 9 weeks old and other than tail up and a little larger comb than other EE's the same age No signs of crowing. Help me decide.
  20. grandmas Nest

    Letting Chicks Outside

    Okay I am new to chickens, I have had 10 layers I bought as Pullets so they were easy. We added another 8 x 8 coop to our exsiting 8 x 8 coop so I have two or can open gate and have one big coop. Same with the outside runs. They are totally seperate now. My babies are a month old today. I just...
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