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  1. SeeMeShiny

    Candling eggs, air sac? help!

    An old but useful thread! Waiting on some eggs under a broody hen- our first hatch? Not sure how many are fertilized or what will happen... it's march in Maine after all!
  2. SeeMeShiny


    My hens are fine- it's been in the negative teens here at night, but they basically own the barn and seem content. We're having a lot of trouble getting eggs in before they've frozen and cracked. Anyone have any ideas?
  3. SeeMeShiny

    Wilton Maine Farm Swaps at Tractor Supply 2012

    Anyone going tomorrow, May 12? We're not bringing any chickens or anything (although seeing how many local folks are breeding makes me want an incubator!) but might be in the market for this or that...
  4. SeeMeShiny


    We're thinking about the swaps that are coming up, but I'm more interested in adding some lambs than adding more chickens right now... we're up nearer to Rangeley but do all of our shopping and stuff in Farmington, so the Wilton swap is our best bet. Anyone know of anyone with some nice lambs...
  5. SeeMeShiny

    How many of you use plain old all purpose flour to cook and bake with?

    I'm a baker, and I baked for a living for years. I buy a big sack of AP flour and a 5lb bag of bread flour and use a combination when I make bread, heavy on the cheaper AP flour. You can make bread (obviously) with just AP, but it does actually work a little bit better with some bread flour or...
  6. SeeMeShiny

    Need help finding breed of dog that is right for my family UPDATE #43

    I strongly recommend a pit bull mix. Ours, a rescue dog we've had for 8+ years, is an angel- good with our kids from baby size on up, actually defers to the cats, totally ignores the chickens (unless a hen steps on him, then he just gets up and moves), lots of energy, always thrilled to join...
  7. SeeMeShiny

    What do people think?

    Quote: Your chickens or your dogs? We live in a culture where everyone has to have an opinion... and some people's aren't worth the chicken poop we scoop out of our coops.
  8. SeeMeShiny

    Buff Orpington. Roo/Pullet?

    Could any of you elaborate? I have an almost identical chick who is 4-5 weeks now, and I'm pretty certain she's a she, but I'd like to know what features to look at.
  9. SeeMeShiny

    new order of baby chicks dying fast!!!

    I'm interested to know where they came from also- we had an order from Ideal (which is across the country from me) and several did the same in the first couple of days. It didn't seem to affect anybody new, so I'm assuming it was stress from a long shipping trip, rather than some kind of...
  10. SeeMeShiny

    When to integrate the chicks with the flock?

    My coop has a special under-the-house area, and I'm hoping to put my babies there when it has warmed up some. It will expose both the big birds and the baby birds to the sight, smell and sound of the others, but the babies will be physically separated. When they are closer to the same size I...
  11. SeeMeShiny

    Chick Sneezing Blood- 6 Week Old Delaware

    I'm sorry to rudely jump into this conversation, but came upon it because of the chick question... and I'm so excited to have found this little Delaware appreciation conversation! Is there a thread somewhere where you've been converting people to Delawares? I've just decided to try them, and...
  12. SeeMeShiny

    Massachusetts anyone?

    North-Western Mass here! Hello chicken folks!
  13. SeeMeShiny

    Turns out I have chickens in the backyard.....

    One of my girls was apparently so excited about the sun returning that she treated me to several days of two-eggs-a-day! Now we've settled down to a more reasonable pace. But isn't it nice to have some concrete (edible) proof that spring is coming back!?!
  14. SeeMeShiny

    Looking 4 Good Roo Breeds

    We're trying Delawares, I've heard that they are very friendly and docile. Plus they're very pretty! But mine are newborns now, so I don't know how they'll actually be as adults. I have had a mix of roosters, including an Araucana and some Barred Rocks, that were very friendly and moderately...
  15. SeeMeShiny

    My roo and I just had a fight - what to do

    One of my two roosters periodically hops at me or fans his wings. I give him a strong nudge with my boot and he knocks it off. Luckily, it's a rare occurrence and he's never actually jumped at me or he'd be gone. But I believe that he's an example of how it IS possible for a rooster to be a...
  16. SeeMeShiny

    Chick is being very quiet...?

    Now I'm noticing that she is having trouble standing all the way up, as though her thighs are not holding her, and she doesn't seem to open her eyes all the way. Mostly she's very wobbly. However, she is UP and cheeping loudly, which is more than before. I'm probably over thinking the whole...
  17. SeeMeShiny

    Chick is being very quiet...?

    I know, this isn't exactly a major emergency... 5 new chicks (arrived home this morning), so approx 2 days old. From breeder, shipped here. When they were picked up, this one seemed wilted, just not as energetic as the others. I've encouraged her to have some water a couple of times, her...
  18. SeeMeShiny

    Need ideas for Chick with broken or deformed toe

    I've read that a twisted toe (as well as crossed beaks) can be a result of sudden temperature shifts while being incubated. One of my roosters had a single toe that twisted out to the side. He walked fine, so we left it be, and he never had a problem with it. If your chick is not having...
  19. SeeMeShiny

    Trimming chicken beaks?

    I'm so glad to see this thread! My tiny flock seems to do fine keeping their beaks in good shape using their surroundings... but my one favorite is a cross beak, and I think she needs a trim. Seeing that so many people have managed safely makes me feel a little more self-confident about her...
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