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  1. Crackle

    Killing, Plucking, Eviscerating, & Cutting Up Your Chicken - Graphic!

    Blooie, I usually bring them home on ice and bag and freeze them right away. It sounds like I should let them rest a few days in the refrigerator before freezing them. I will try doing this when I get a few more butchered. Thank you.
  2. Crackle

    Killing, Plucking, Eviscerating, & Cutting Up Your Chicken - Graphic!

    They can be a mix of young and old. My husband purchased a meat bird to raise through the summer and have butchered in the fall to fill our freezer. We also take some of our older birds, 2-3 year old, at the same time. Unfortunately, you can't keep them separate at the butcher to know which...
  3. Crackle

    Killing, Plucking, Eviscerating, & Cutting Up Your Chicken - Graphic!

    Annalog - Thank you for your experience. We are lucky to have a local chicken butcher so I take a bunch over when I am ready to thin the flock. I have not been able to bring myself to do the task myself. My question is a bit off topic, but when I bake or slow roast these chickens they are...
  4. Crackle

    What eats chicken heads

    I have had this happen to me twice this summer. The only thing missing is the head. I have had my flock for 3 years and never had any trouble until this summer. I don't even have to close them in at night because of predators. I lost 3 hens and my son lost a hen and rooster he wanted to use...
  5. Crackle

    Ducks or Chickens? Pros/Cons

    We have our Indian Runners and our "big girls" housed together. By big girls I mean Barred Rock, Orpington, and LI Red. We noticed the other day that their house/bedding is so clean. Everyone must be doing their business outside, which is great for us. They to have a large chicken/duck run...
  6. Crackle

    How did your username originate?

    I don't post a lot but love the information. To work at Girl Scout camp you needed a camp name. There were 3 of us that couldn't come up with a good name, so someone went down the line with Snap, Crackle, Pop. The name has stuck ever since. I still go to that same camp.
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