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  1. LeaderStorm

    Us vs Raccoons

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  2. LeaderStorm


    keep them warm in the winter. Their crests get wet when they drink and it will freeze their combs/heads. They also get dirty east(especially the white ones) because of their feet feathers and their crests constantly being wet and then they peck things off the ground and getting dirty and muddy...
  3. LeaderStorm

    It's all Squishie's Fault!

    The white with the 5 toes, even though it doesn't show signs of much of a crest, could also be a sultan. They are 5 toed, feather footed and have pink skin.
  4. LeaderStorm

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР-- 'Fly with the breeze'

    ((Can I ask what are we going to do with my little mauled apprentice. Realistically, she couldn't survive with all her injuries and dislocated legs/wings in the wild buuut I don't want her to die, especially since I just joined. I only got to post with her like.... not even 10 times. xD))
  5. LeaderStorm

    Anyone have any idea what these little guys/gals are?

    I say Dark Brahma(top) and Houdan(Bottom) Also it isn't a sultan or sultan cross because either way I'm fairly sure it would have feathery legs(even if it's just a little bit of feathering). And I don't think it's a sizzle since that's a silkie/frizzle cochin cross I think and therefor also...
  6. LeaderStorm

    He HAS to GO!!!

    Wow. I say cull. He could be dangerous especially since Brahmas are rather large(Males are around 12 pounds when grown). I certainly wouldn't want a 12 pound bird attacking me. By the way, the sultan in your profile picture/icon is adorable!! I have tow sultan pullets. I love them so much. xD
  7. LeaderStorm

    Guess what mix i am...

    Quote: silver phoenix? Correct... almost. You got the color wrong. But he's a bantam phoenix.
  8. LeaderStorm

    WANTED! Stories about your Cross beaked birds! And other disabilities*

    I have a sultan pullet that has a slightly crooked beak. It doesn't close all the way and you can re3ally only see that it is crooked if you look at her head on. She is fine for now though. She eats and drinks just fine. I don't have any recent pictures of her(and she is a muddy mess right now)...
  9. LeaderStorm

    Is it possible to show hatchery chickens? Oops wrong forum

    Yes. We actually have gotten a wyandotte, two black australorps and a golden laced polish that were pretty good. We didn't get to show them(except for the Polish and the Wyandotte) because they died/we got rid of them. The Wyandotte and the polish didn't place though. I was showing in the...
  10. LeaderStorm

    Is this a Jersey Black Giant?

    I say Australorp too.
  11. LeaderStorm

    Pet names that are just plain weird?

    I have a buff brahma named Road Roller And my Phoenix is named Anakin(He's a drama queen so it's fitting) A pixie Bob(tailess Cat breed) mix named Bob
  12. LeaderStorm

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР-- 'Fly with the breeze'

    Quote: I know, I have argued this once before, but there is even a problem with that fighting method. Jim could dodge all of Bob's attacks. Thus the fight goes on forever and not one side surrenders. You would still need to be logical. Like when Clamshell grabbed my character that was fine...
  13. LeaderStorm

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР-- 'Fly with the breeze'

    Quote: But then the other person can aviod all attacks No you would still have to be logical. Otherwise, you can't avoid any attacks at all and you will always be hurt. You have to give other's a chance to defend themselves or else they are going to mauled no matter what. For example, If I...
  14. LeaderStorm

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР-- 'Fly with the breeze'

    ((Can I point something out real fast. Something is bothering me. When we are fighting can we not do an action and then choose what happens? Like for example "Bob punches Jim and Jim's nose breaks" when it would rather be "bob throws a punch at Jim and aims for his nose" and then Jim could say...
  15. LeaderStorm

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР-- 'Fly with the breeze'

    Smokepaw layed there. She was in serious pain but she still needed to get away. She wiggled and attempted to drag herself into the brush. Every little movement wracked her body with pain. In just a few moments she was out of breath and nauseous.
  16. LeaderStorm

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР-- 'Fly with the breeze'

    Quote: "Gah!" she said as Clamshell grabbed her by the neck. She tried to pull away and started thrashing and tried to claw Clamshell. Edited because it wasn't relevant anymore xD Because we posted at the same time. She pushed her foe to the floor and stood on top of her legs, beggining to...
  17. LeaderStorm

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР-- 'Fly with the breeze'

    Quote: Lionheart pulled her back across the border "Wait for my signal" he whispered More gathered by ClamShell to take care of the WingClan pests. "Bad discision," she clucked while grasping SmokePaw tightly by the neck. "Gah!" she said as Clamshell grabbed her by the neck. She tried to...
  18. LeaderStorm

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР-- 'Fly with the breeze'

    Quote: (xD Okay) She soon realized no one was actually fighting. "What?" She thought. "This is not exactly what I expected at all!! I thought there would be fighting!" She huffed and took a step out of the brush and looked around. ClamShell saw her and snarled. "Get out!" she hissed, justt...
  19. LeaderStorm

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР-- 'Fly with the breeze'

    Quote: (Ahaha, I guess Smokepaw is about to get a wake up call. When others tell her to stay out of things maybe she will listen next time) Smokepaw made her way through the forest towards the hackleclan border until she could her the sounds of the fight. she came up and hid behind some...
  20. LeaderStorm

    WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР-- 'Fly with the breeze'

    Quote: SwiftPaw saw her coming up but took no notice. (Be careful, Zinnia will rip you apart with no shame.) (Ahaha, I guess Smokepaw is about to get a wake up call. When others tell her to stay out of things maybe she will listen next time) Smokepaw made her way through the forest towards...
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