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  1. suburban

    Those @#$*!&*#$!!! chickens! How to protect flower gardens?

    I've had this problem too. We put paving bricks around the base of plants and lightly covered them with mulch. They leave them alone now.
  2. suburban

    should I remove the nest boxes?

    We have recently moved house and the girls didn't really like the move. They have the same coop and a bigger run. They have also just started molting. Now they are not laying they have been sleeping in the nest boxes and pooping in there. All three try to get into one box. Should I remove the...
  3. suburban

    Can Bantams live with Australorps?

    I have 1 Australorp, an Australorp x with something? and a Buff Orpington. They are about 9 months old and have a big coop and run. My friend has five 1yr old bantams which she needs to rehome very soon. I was wondering if they could get along with my hens or will they get picked on too much.
  4. suburban

    floppy wattle

    sorry yes I mean the red wobbly thing on top of her head. The comb, thanks. She seems otherwise well and although she is the skinniest of my 3, she lays the best eggs.
  5. suburban

    floppy wattle

    I have noticed that one of my hens wattles is flopping over to one side. Is this an indication of something wrong?
  6. suburban

    what are these? New photos added !

    She layed an egg today!
  7. suburban

    what are these? New photos added !

    Quote: well they shall now be known by these names!
  8. suburban

    what are these? New photos added !

    What do you think? He or she?
  9. suburban

    what are these? New photos added !

    I'll take a closer photo of the andalusian and see what people think. Where/what are saddle feathers?
  10. suburban

    what are these? New photos added !

    Quote: I did wonder about that. anyone else think it might be a he? It has been getting a bit aggressive with the buff one. How does he/she look different to the Australorp (other than colouring) to make you think maybe a cockeral? I believe the two black ones are 4 months old and the middle...
  11. suburban

    what are these? New photos added !

    The one on the right is an Australorp but I'm not sure about the others?
  12. suburban

    getting to know each other.

    Quote: Gave them meal worms today. Oh how they love me now! Thanks for the tip.
  13. suburban

    Can they be herded back into pen after a short foraging outing?

    Mine know that when I'm carrying a particular bucket that they are getting kitchen treats. They would follow that bucket anywhere!
  14. suburban

    Why Aren't My Chickens Laying? Here Are Your Answers!

    It took a month for ours to start laying again (today!) after a big move and long heat wave.
  15. suburban

    Bought some chickens, but where are my eggs?

    Yay! after worrying for a month today we got a lovely little egg! For me it's a sign that they are now happy and settled.
  16. suburban

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Quote: No, can't say that I have ever seen a kangaroo in real life. I hope to visit Australia one day. (don't you have snow in the mountains there?) Have you ever been water skiing? There is snow here I've just never been there. No, I have never been water skiing. Have you ever been on TV?
  17. suburban

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    I have a chicken that looks just like these. I was told it was an Australorp x with and appalatian. I sth aat right? It doesn't sound right. Sounds more like a horse. I'll post a picture tomorrow. I think she is beautiflu. My son thinks she is faded!
  18. suburban

    Have you ever ______? Game

    No I have only seen snow once (in Canada, I live in australia) Have you ever patted a Kangaroo?
  19. suburban

    getting to know each other.

    After a week of sitting with them and bringing a bucket of goodies every time I go out there they are finally getting used to me. They still run away at first but soon come out when I sit down. My 5 yr old son asked me why I stare at the chickens so much? Maybe I am getting a little obsessed but...
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