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  1. vjreilly

    Pullet or cockerel ? 16 weeks old

    I have the same question. I had a hen who was brooding but the eggs didn't hatch. After one month of her sitting on the eggs, I went to the farm store and purchased 3 one day old chicks and that night when she was asleep about 11PM I put them under her and took the bad eggs. She immediately...
  2. vjreilly

    Can I feed purina goat chow to my chickens

    Thanks so much. The Purina Goat Chow has a lot of goodies including some molasses that I think the girls would like. I will use it as scratch substitute as a treat at the end of the day and see how they like it. Vicki
  3. vjreilly

    Can I feed purina goat chow to my chickens

    I have about 1/3 bag of purina goat chow that I am not feeding my goats. It is not bad but they are gaining weight and I am cutting them back to just grass hay. I am wondering if I can feed it to my girls (hens) or if it would be bad for them. It does contain some copper and I know that it...
  4. vjreilly

    2 ill chickens in young flock - help

    Just wanted to also add that I gave them "Quick Chick" since they first arrived at age 2 days. They finished the whole package of Quick Chick which I think is a vitamin mix.
  5. vjreilly

    2 ill chickens in young flock - help

    I looked at my order invoice from McMurray and we paid for them to be vaccinated. I was just trying to confirm that there was not a slip up and maybe they were not vaccinated, but have not heard back, and I do not think they will be able to tell me if they were not. The only thing that makes...
  6. vjreilly

    2 ill chickens in young flock - help

    Thank you for writing. I called McMurray this morning and didn't get much information. I just sent them an email asking for varification that my chicks were vaccinated. The one who is lathargic and seems to have trouble walking is not the one who passed the bloody stool. The one who seems...
  7. vjreilly

    2 ill chickens in young flock - help

    Hello, I have 15 pullets and one rooster that I received from McMurry Hatchery in early August - they are all now about 8 weeks old. Everyone seemed fine until about 4 days ago when I noticed one chick having trouble walking and seeming lethargic but still eating and drinking. I looked her...
  8. vjreilly

    Anyone know what could be wrong???????

    I have 16 8 week old chickens which I got as 1 day olds form McMurry Hatchery. They all seemed to be doing well until about 3 days ago when one of them started to act like what you described. SHe does not seem to be able to walk well but does walk some, is eating a bit and drinking water...
  9. vjreilly

    Chickens not laying eggs?

    I have 4 chickens and they are all about the same age, all hatched about 2 years ago. One is a black 2 are RIR's, 1 is a cross between a black Austrolorp and a Buff Orpington and one is a Buff Orpington. I get 2 eggs most days, some days 0 eggs and one day about a month ago I got 3 eggs. i...
  10. vjreilly

    hen pecked rooster in solitary confinement

    This is my first post - hope you can help. About 5 weeks ago, my rooster, Shadow's comb started to look like he was suffering from some disease. It had white and black spots and was bleeding in spots. I took him to the bird vet and was told that he probably had gotten into some thorns and...
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