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  1. ellieroo

    Avian Flu - Washington State

    Thank you for links people ! We have been reading info til our eyes cross ! :) As it turns out we are at least further away from ground zero but still on edge !But my friend is trtying to figure out how tro take care of her horse at the farm with biggest outbreak ?? When the guys in white...
  2. ellieroo

    Avian Flu - Washington State

    I'm between both but know the Richland farm very well ! They have lost all birds.Mostly chickens around 500.Good people and are heart broken. QT 8 months !!
  3. ellieroo

    What predators are known for digging under coops?

    I have the same problem. This winter some thing went under our 8 by 10 coop and dug a huge deep hole it is at least 3ft if not 4ft deep . No skunk or racoon smell but a scent for sure. Have yet to see a thing. But we had a big mouse population that probably brought who ever?? Anyone else have...
  4. ellieroo

    The Wyandotte Thread

    We can reach 113 here and run a stretch of 10 days at 100 and over mine are fine as long as they have deep shade. We free range so they find their own shade but their pen has a good sun screen over it . Love love these birds !
  5. ellieroo

    I Miss Old BYC!!!

    Do not Do not like the new BYC it is impossible to deal with ! Feel like there has been a death in the family !! My beloved BYC is dead gone and buried ! I know the effort was made to try and make it better but sometimes If it ain't broke Don't Mess with It
  6. ellieroo


    I watched a very brazen coyote run off with one of my best hens she ran right down the middle of the road houses on either side so no shooting.It was 11:30 in the afternoon ! If you see them shoot first its your only hope !
  7. ellieroo

    The Welsummer Thread!!!!

    For those who love" Welles" ! My birds free range always.Today a coyote came thru at noon ??? I wish I had a camera, he was attack in unision by my dobe and my Big Welsummer roo Two Feathers! and to make matters worse he didn't leave fast enough and our mustang joined the fight ...poor Mr...
  8. ellieroo

    Merry Christmas!!!!!!

    Quote: Merry Christmas to you and yours and yes thank goodness for this forum !!
  9. ellieroo

    Best Natured Rooster?

    I have had Buckeyes, BCM, Welsummers, SLW and assorted banty roos. My current welsummer Two Feathers is by far and away the Best.He comes when called,stands tall if hawks are about, keeps his 7 ladies in line and puts them in the coop at night. theres not a mean feather on him !!
  10. ellieroo

    Bobcat or Calico Cat?

    Quote: Xs 2
  11. ellieroo

    Predators and the Moral Dilemma

    Quote: Those kind of bulls can be serious predators. did you shoot it? Note that pellet guns aren't very effective on bulls. No, but you won't believe what else happened. I really hate progress. I hunted on that land for along time. Well, when I left my only out was to move out to our family...
  12. ellieroo

    Think it's too cold for your chickens? Think again...

    "At -47F the chickens were clearly cold and not happy, guess I need more warm chicken bodies " What else could they be ??? I know I've posted here before but I truly can't imagine asking animals to live in that kind of cold? Chickens are not meant to live in subartic conditions. I'm just blown...
  13. ellieroo

    Close call with stray Pit Bull in our back yard. Sad Update! pg 7

    Quote: The gun to use is a 223 it Will stop a pitbull and is not hard for a beginner to use ! If the AC and Sheriff wont help perhaps the media will !
  14. ellieroo

    They're trying to kill her!

    Watch and see if you can tell who is leading the attacks and remove her / put her in a cage for a few days. That may stop the attacks. the removed hen will have to re establish herself upon return and that may help in the long run.
  15. ellieroo

    Hens laying eggs in Hay bales

    We finally gave up on nest boxes nothing nothing would get them to lay there.So we leaned a board against the back wall of the coop and presto Eggs !! Also for those with horses don't discount the inside of your mounting block.That is a favorite here!
  16. ellieroo

    Hens laying eggs in Hay bales

    Quote: : Welcome to year round easter egg hunt !! We have gone thru this for years and yesterday I found a beautiful batch of eggs!
  17. ellieroo

    sign ideas before i shootsomeones doggy

    Large well s p a c e d letters reading livestock attacking dogs will be shot on sight!
  18. ellieroo

    free choice scratch?

    So at my coop neither scracth grain nor flock blocks are a problem. The girls and the guys will choose just about anything over either ??
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