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  1. gotweim

    Bantam Breed ID

    Thank you! I'll check in the morning!
  2. gotweim

    Bantam Breed ID

    Thanks!! He lost his long tail feathers a few months back, we were bummed! Will they come back??
  3. gotweim

    Bantam Breed ID

    Thanks!! He gets along with everyone, even our 2 other roos, he's just a happy, little fella! My daughter is going to have a blast showing him!
  4. gotweim

    Bantam Breed ID

    Hi! Just looking for some help on IDing this little guy we have. My daughter is interested in joining 4H and showing him, however I'm not sure what breed he is. His name is Phil and he's the friendliest little guy ever! Is Silver Duckwing Old English Bantam a possibility? TIA!!
  5. gotweim

    Organic or not?

    I would love to be able to give my girls organic feed but have not been able to find it close to me either. I have been feeding Purina SunFresh Layena for about 3 years and have been very happy with it. All my girls are super healthy with shiny feathers and bright eyes. They also get all our...
  6. gotweim

    New Coop and Run - How to Adapt to Less Room?

    We are moving and will be transferring our flock into a new coop and run. Currently they have a TON of space. Their run is 20x30 and their coop is 8x8. We have 11 total chickens....2 roos (one silkie and one showgirl, both very mild tempered), 5 medium size hens, and 4 bantam hens. Below is a...
  7. gotweim

    Set eggs 3/5. Looking for others to hatch with!

    I set yesterday (3/6) and would love to follow along with everyone!! I set 19 eggs from my own little flock....I am the leader of my daughter's daisy troop and we are doing it together as a project! Super excited but a nervous wreck! This is my first time....
  8. gotweim

    Set eggs February 12th! Hatch a long with me!

    That is the same incubator I am using! This is my first hatch and am having a hard time figuring out how to add water to's also so hard to see the channels in the tray to tell if it needs water. Do you lift the eggs out to check and add water?
  9. gotweim

    Humidity Questions - Adding Water

    Good Afternoon! So I set the eggs yesterday...aaaggghhh....I'm a nervous wreck! I am the Troop Leader for my daughter's Daisy Scout Troop and this year we are taking an Animal Journey! I thought it would be prefect to incubate eggs! We have had chickens for the past 3 years and are very...
  10. gotweim

    Composting Chicken Poop

    Hi` I plan on starting to compost my chicken poop and shavings for use in my garden next year.....seems like I'm too late for this season! This is what I was planning on doing....please let me know if I'm on the right track.... Daily I clean under my roost, I was going to add this to the...
  11. gotweim

    Belly Crawling Chicken - Is She Sick?!?!

    I have a RIR that is 9 months old. She is a happy chicken but some days (today for instance) she walks around really crouched down so low that her belly is practically dragging on the ground. When she does this she also slightly wiggles her back end. Sometimes she'll walk sideways while she is...
  12. gotweim

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    0/7 Apparently everyone was way too busy scratching around in the nice weather to bother with laying eggs!!
  13. gotweim

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    0/7 Apparently everyone was way too busy scratching around in the nice weather to bother with laying eggs!!
  14. gotweim

    3 Week Old Chick - Excessive Itching/Preening??

    I have a 3 week old Barred Rock Pullet who seems to be itching more than the others I have. How much is normal preening and itching and what is excessive? I was down watching the brooder for about 3-4 mins and she did it the entire time. Under her wings, her behind and her chest. I have...
  15. gotweim

    Pasty Butt Help

    Thanks! She is actually looking much better today! But I will definitely trim her bottom to prevent anything more!
  16. gotweim


    Good Morning!! I received a coupon in my inbox for $5 off Two 25 or 50 lb bags of Purina Sunfresh and it allowed me to print 2 coupons. The coupons expire at the end of the month and I won't go through that much feed by then....if anyone wants the extra coupon left me know and I'll mail it to...
  17. gotweim

    Pasty Butt Help

    Thanks! I've got some Blue cote, I dab some on her! I started off with paper towel over pine shavings.....a few days ago I removed the paper towel and just have the shaving. They are having a blast running through and playing with pieces of the pine....should I go back to paper towel? The weird...
  18. gotweim

    Guess what I find IN my coop!!!

    We also feed our 2 Weims Taste of the Wild! It is one of the best foods I have found for them. One is allergic to grains and the other is always underweight no matter how much I feed him....with TOTW he has finally reached a good weight and is maintaining it! We feed the Pacific Stream which has...
  19. gotweim

    Pasty Butt Help

    HI~ I received 4 baby chicks last week from MPC. One of my little Barred Rocks didn't look well right out of the box and it took her much longer to "perk up" than the other girls. Right from the start she had a problem with pasty butt. She is now a week old and I'm still having to clean her...
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