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  1. kforington

    Best breed for backyard coop?

    I'm still learning -- what are RIRs? : )
  2. kforington

    Best breed for backyard coop?

    I'm still learning -- what are RIRs? : )
  3. kforington

    Why are chickens so dumb?

    Hmmm, do we really want to get into the minds of chickens????? lol They can be challenging. Sounds like you have it figured out with them going in at night. Hooray!!
  4. kforington

    Bloody egg shell (pics)

    Thank you so much for the info. It has been terribly cold so I'm sure that is what is doing it. My husband is picking up the Prep H and I will do as you suggested.
  5. kforington

    The recent cold snap ravaged my animals

    Since my coop is in one of my stalls in my barn, I ended up buying another heat lamp and put up blankets and towels all the way around the coop to block out drafts. That seemed to help, but it's so doggone cold!!! I can't wait to let them outside but doesn't look like I will for another couple...
  6. kforington

    Bloody egg shell (pics)

    I have a hen who has been laying bloody eggs also. As I checked her vent, it looks like she has a hemmroid. Is that what it is and what do I do to fix it? I'm so afraid she is in pain. I have separated her from the rest of the flock as they are trying to peck at her. It is also very, very...
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