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  1. jen61975

    Chicken Saddle DRAMA!!!

    I just made some saddles (or hen-savers) from an online website. I was all excited because it's the 1st thing I've ever sewed on my new vintage sewing machine I recently bought. Anyway, I too, did not buy neutral colors, quite the opposite actually. I made 1 saddle out of zebra pattern and 1 out...
  2. jen61975

    Best breed for backyard coop?

    My 2 black Australorp hens are my quietest (i have 19 hens/5 breeds). But they are also the most standoffish. They want nothing to do with me when I visit and feed them daily. My favorite and friendliest are my Buff Orpington and Speckled Sussex :) they come running to me and walk and follow me...
  3. jen61975

    My buff Orp was found with wound...Can I prevent by better mgmt?

    5leepy- thanks once again, very valuable info u shared I will buy some of that and have handy. And very true about chickens being resilient, I wasn't home when he found the hen but I'm hoping he used his best judgement. I will read your reply to him so in the future he will understand this...
  4. jen61975

    My buff Orp was found with wound...Can I prevent by better mgmt?

    Oh thank you for the reply! I will check em all tmrw, I did notice the other day when he was mating that he bites there comb (to kinda hold on lol) so it's very possible he grabbed farther down on this particular hen. She was the runt of the hens so maybe she took the most beating from him?? I...
  5. jen61975

    My buff Orp was found with wound...Can I prevent by better mgmt?

    I have 22 hens and 1 rooster, I have several large breeds. My live-in boyfriend called me at work and told me one of our buff orpington hens was unlively and so he thought she was smothered or dehydrated. He lifted her up and took her to water and noticed a big wound on back of her...
  6. jen61975

    Lighting for baby chicks....

    @QCF I've read that you lower the temp (starting at 95) by 5 degrees till you reach about 70 degrees in the daytime. If the temp falls below 60 at night it's good to warm the area to at least 60 degrees for the first 3 months of chicks lives. This might be a little much but it's just what I read...
  7. jen61975

    Lighting for baby chicks....

    @startingover, ive researched that sweeter heater and i think i would definitely invest in one of those if we plan to brood lots of batches of chicks, sounds like a great $$saver (electricity)!!
  8. jen61975

    Lighting for baby chicks....

    Wow thanks guys and gals for all the informative feedback!! Cant wait to share my own stories on here your replys give me more confidance now. Jen
  9. jen61975

    Lighting for baby chicks....

    HI all!! I'm new to this site and love it already I've read the book Story's guide to "Raising Chickens" and comprehend all of it but one thing and that is how much lighting to use when I brood my chicks when they arrive next Monday. Is the 250 watt red heat lamp I plan to use enough (for the...
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