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  1. fatbassetvineyards

    CANDLED EGG PICS day 1-17

    This is perfect for my classroom. My 2 class of 8th graders are hatching out 46 eggs. We weighed them, measured them, then determined the density before putting them intheincubator on March 5th. I give them an egg fact a day. We will be candling them but I will use this to show what is happening...
  2. fatbassetvineyards

    Salvaging a science project

    I am just starting to hatch eggs in my eighth grade class. They are finding the volume and mass of each egg to find the density. (it is less than 1 - that is why they sink). I would say to write down everything that happened, experiments that don't work out is still an experiment. They are...
  3. Henretta had 13 chicks

    Henretta had 13 chicks

  4. Chicks


  5. fatbassetvineyards

    How many is too many?

    Henrietta hatched 13 very cute chicks. All are doing well. She is an excellent mom. This is the first time I have had a hen raise chicks. I think I am more nervous than her. They are in a chicken tractor. Thank you for asking. I am trying to picture I took on my iPad.
  6. fatbassetvineyards

    what is the approx hatch rate on shipped eggs

    I have hatched several shipped eggs. Average is less than non-shipped eggs but it really depends on who you buy them from, how far they travel,ect. I normally get about 50% depending on the variables. Sometimes it has been higher but I believe that it is always good to try. Good hatching! Denise
  7. fatbassetvineyards

    How many is too many?

    I thought I lost my blue orpington, but I found her with 18 eggs under the travel trailer! I have always used my incubator so the broody hen is new to me. I just candled two to see how far along and it looks about 8-9 days. Anything I should be doing for her, eggs, ect? 18 seems like so many...
  8. Default


  9. fatbassetvineyards

    12+Big/Fluffy Blue, Black and Splash Orpington eggs

    I just finished my hatch and they are wonderful! Great care in the shipping. Thank you!
  10. fatbassetvineyards

    20 eggs going into lockdown tonight.

    I'm at 18 out of 25 out and lively. I have 7 more I am not sure about. I put them in Friday Dec. 16 around 4pm. I guess I should give them some more time. Happy Days!
  11. fatbassetvineyards

    20 eggs going into lockdown tonight.

    I have 7 little ones out with 4 more on the way! They are so cute. 2 wheatens, 1americauna, 3 bbs orp, and 1 combo from mine. My pictures from the iPad are not loading so going to plan b. Denise
  12. fatbassetvineyards

    Hatching first week of January

    7 are piping, at least one from each group so that is good. :weee Denise
  13. fatbassetvineyards

    20 eggs going into lockdown tonight.

    I have 7 pips but I have to go so hopefully when I come home they will all be out! Denise
  14. fatbassetvineyards

    20 eggs going into lockdown tonight.

    Mine are moving but nothing else. I even wake up in the middle of the night and check them. It should start soon! Open, open, open! Denise
  15. fatbassetvineyards

    The start of an addiction....

    Don't move to California... I am hatching right now.. Maybe find someone that needs some chicks and hatch for them! Denise
  16. fatbassetvineyards

    8 mystery chicks in lockdown tonight!

    I am in lockdown myself and it is killing me. I keep having an excuse to walk by and check them. Nothing yet, it is like a watched pot. I don't want to miss the start. Another night of waking up a few times to check.... Good luck! They will be cute! Denise
  17. fatbassetvineyards

    Frigid Temps = Lots of Eggs

    Did you change their food? More sunlight? At those temperature My chickens would stay inside under a blanket. Celebrate! Denise
  18. fatbassetvineyards

    Hello from Southern California!

    Glad you found the best chicken site ever! Caution of chicken math, you might start with a few but next thing you know you are hatching your own. It is addicting! Welcome from Nothern California! Denise
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