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  1. nettiesnest

    Chick having problems pooing...

    I'll have to try the greek. Quote: I imagine that a lot of commercial yoghurt would be bad as it has a notorious high sugar content. If you can get plain yoghurt that is made the traditional way (like Greek yoghurt for example) I think it would be beneficial as it is full of good bacteria...
  2. nettiesnest

    Chick having problems pooing...

    I have always heard that yogurt is bad for chicks and chickens....I wanted to try that but the advise seems wishy washy Quote:
  3. nettiesnest

    4 FRIZZLED SERAMA Chicks, 3-4 Weeks Old ~ Beautiful Colors! NR

    I WANT your frizzled Seramas bad! So gosh darn cute do you have anymore you will be selling? Say like older ones?
  4. nettiesnest

    Toulbunt orpington??

    that would be gorgeous!!!!! I have alway's wanted the polish but to much $ out of my league:/
  5. nettiesnest

    Composting Chicken Poop

    I have a friend that uses it in her garden and I was planning on asking her thoughts because I've had a few ?'s on that. Quote:
  6. nettiesnest

    Chick having problems pooing...

    I also added boiled eggs for my weak ones which seemed to help. Quote:
  7. nettiesnest

    Chick having problems pooing...

    I had a similar problem and my chicks were dropping like flies and had to clean crusty butts. Used corid with no luck and couldn't figure out what the issue was
  8. nettiesnest

    ~12 EGGS CRAZY SURPRISE AUCTION~ 24 hour ~Heritage & Rare Breed ONLY~

    hope i win again! VERY happy with your last shipment of all the different breeds and my daughter was thrilled, thank you very much!
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