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  1. NormansGal44

    3 year old Black Australorp Rooster with Pale Comb and Swollen Wattles

    My 3 yo Black Australorp stopped crowing last week and has pale wattles and comb. This morning his right wattle began to swell and now it is completely swollen. His tail feathers are droopy and he isn't active. I tried Wazine in their water yesterday to see if it was worms. My five hens are...
  2. NormansGal44

    Wazine Dosage for a Small Flock??

    I have two EE hens, 1 BSL hen, 1 Welsummer pullet (13 wks), 1 BR pullet (13 wks) and 1 Welsummer cockerel (13 wks). I found worms in one of their feces earlier this week and also found out that our cat has hookworms. So, I need help figuring out dosages for Wazine. I obviously do not have...
  3. NormansGal44

    Blue Splash Cochin Genders - 4.5-5 weeks old

    We have two Blue Splash Cochins that are 4.5-5 weeks old. I am totally stumped by their combs. Dandelion's is a bit pinker and thicker but they are about the same height. Dandelion was the tiniest baby until a week or so ago (now I know where the food has gone!). S/he is feathering slower...
  4. NormansGal44

    Black Australorp Genders - 4.5-5 weeks old *pic heavy*

    We have two Black Australorps that are about 4.5-5 weeks old. I'm afraid we have at least one cockerel. Opinions? Thanks! Olive - Cockerel? Olive on left and Coconut on right. Coconut feathered out quicker and has a longer tail. Both are equally curious and close to the same...
  5. NormansGal44

    Anyone in SE Tennessee Want to Split Hatchery Order??

    Hi! Anyone in SE Tennessee (or even the Tri-State area) want to split a My Pet Chicken minimum with me? I really only need two pullets but have to order a minimum of four. Thanks!
  6. NormansGal44

    Two Young Welsummer Cockerels $5 ea

    I picked up these two Wellie cockerels last week from a local breeder (she's in Soddy Daisy, TN). I told her I wanted three chicks and I ended up with only one pullet. I need to find good homes for these precious guys. They like to snuggle in hands and fall asleep. I'd love to keep them but...
  7. NormansGal44

    Buff Orphington - Who Am I?

    I bought this BO from a breeder last week. I think it's about five or so weeks old but am not sure. The comb just began to get a little pink and Peanut Butter has had a confrontation with one of the smaller Wellie cockerels. I have a bossy hen in my coop so I'm hoping that's it... S/he is a...
  8. NormansGal44

    Black Australorp - Do I get to stay with my favorite little boy or not?

    We bought a Black Australorp from a local breeder last week. S/he, Olive, adores my son and happily perches on his lap. Olive is a LOT bigger than our other chicks (Wellies, BR) and a titch bigger than our BO. It may be that she is older? I do know they were "started" chicks. She doesn't...
  9. NormansGal44

    What age and gender are my Welsummers?!

    I bought these from a local certified breeder. I'm pretty sure Mellie is a pullet but I'm not sure about the others. They were "started" babies... I'd also like to know about how old they are? We are keeping Mellie and if the other two are pullets, my neighbor wants them. :) (We split chick...
  10. NormansGal44

    Gender Clues to Look for in Black Australorps, Welsummers, Buff Orphingtons and Barred Rocks

    Hi, I have a very large EE rooster (he's 8 2/3 pounds) and his two EE and one BSL hens are too small for him. I'm wanting to add one each of the following breeds to my flock to spread the friendliness around (and from what I've read, they're larger bodied hens): Buff Orphington, Black...
  11. NormansGal44

    Best Fenced Run Flooring?

    We are in the final stages of finishing our coop. The hen house is raised 3' above the floor and the whole coop is covered (including the run). I was going to put wood mulch on the floor of the run but now am wondering if that is the best option? I was planning on shoveling it all into the...
  12. NormansGal44

    Coop Building

    So, you know if you've been spending WAAAYYYY too much time building a coop when your three-year-old son wants you to "toe-nail [his] hair down" instead of gelling it.
  13. NormansGal44

    Bobcat proof?

    Apparently we have a bobcat in our area. We are already designing our coop to be raccoon and coyote proof (I hope) with only one entrance door to the run (with two locks) that is human height. The hen house clean out door and egg box door will be inside the coop and also lockable. We are...
  14. NormansGal44

    What gender do you think my EEs are?

    My three EEs are about four weeks old. I'm afraid I may have at least one rooster. Chestnut seems to be dominate and is the biggest (by at least an ounce compared to Cique). Its comb just started showing a few days ago. Chestnut likes to come over to me to be pet or held. Nutmeg is taking...
  15. NormansGal44

    Hamilton Co TN Building Permit

    FYI for my fellow Hamilton County, TN neighbors. I emailed the Building and Zoning Dept this morning because everything I found on their site indicated that we would have to have a permit to build a chicken coop. I even called up a few weeks ago and was told that I would first have to get a...
  16. NormansGal44

    Coop Roofing Opinions

    I am tempted to use 2" x 4" welded wire fencing for a coop roof, two layers going opposite directions. Everything else will be Hardware Cloth with a curtain of 2" x 4" welded wire going out at least a foot. We also will be doing some sort of cement footing to prevent digging. Do you think the...
  17. NormansGal44

    Easter Eggers from a Hatchery

    I found out today that my three TSC EE chicks are from the Mt. Healthy Hatchery. I would love to contact them and ask if they know the heritage of my EEs but that is probably a very far fetched question. Has anyone ever tried that? I read somewhere that the offspring of two different...
  18. NormansGal44

    EE Chick Questions

    I have three TSC EEs that are approx two weeks old. Two of my babies have most of their wing feathers in and their tails are maybe a half inch long. They both weigh 4 oz. My other baby is the same weight (3 oz) as my BSL (about the same age) and it doesn't have tail feathers and only half of...
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