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  1. thebreakfastclub

    Thebreakfastclubs Member Page

    After 4 years of marriage my wonderful husband finally built me a chicken coop. We love having these beautiful creatures pecking around our yard all day. We are blessed to have 35 acres and a fenced in apple orchard so we decided to build the coop ont he edge of the orchard. It started out...
  2. thebreakfastclub

    When can chicks go outside for some sun?

    Thanks for the comments on when to let out the chicks. Mine are 4 weeks old now and we have an enclosed apple orchard with of course the enlosed run as well. It should hit 70F today and I was wondering if I could let them run around the yard for a bit? Are they hard to catch and round up to...
  3. thebreakfastclub

    Multi-Generational Olive Layers - all shades included!

    Oh those are gorgeous eggs. I hope my aracaunas lay some pretty shades like those. They are 2 weeks old so I have a while to wait....
  4. thebreakfastclub

    Got my ducklings and one died within 30 min .... crying :(

    It is very difficult to lose them when they are so fragile and young. I feel your loss as we just received 28 baby chicks on Monday and 3 of them have died as well. I felt so guilty but everyone on here has been so supportive and its very common. Good luck with yoru other babies!
  5. thebreakfastclub

    Finally got my babies! ?'s and pics!

    They are just adorable! We just got 28 chicks from McMurray Hatchery on Monday and are having so much fun:) Can't wait to post some of my own pics". Have you had any losses yet?
  6. thebreakfastclub

    Moving chickens to coop

    We live in WI and it has been the coldest April ever. Today it is 36F and snowing...seriously not cool with 27 baby chicks that will quickly outgrow the Rubbermaid bins we have them in now. My question is.....can I put them out in the coop at 3 weeks as long as we have like 2 heat lamps going...
  7. thebreakfastclub

    Pasty butt prevention?

    Several of my 4 day old chicks have pasty butt and I tried using the Q-tip idea with olive oil and it works like a charm!
  8. thebreakfastclub

    Should I give my baby chicks grit?

    We recieved 27 chicks on Monday...3 have died so far and we are very sad, but I know that sometimes happens. My husband and I are wondering if we need to buy chicken grit (something other than the medicated starter feed we are giving them)? Also does anyone build little "roosts" for the...
  9. thebreakfastclub

    New baby chicks coming in 2 days..should I give anything in water?

    I am curious if I need to supplement my baby chicks anything in their water? I think I read that you should give them something but not sure?
  10. thebreakfastclub

    I just built a chicken coop...should I spray for mites before chickens

    Thanks for the advice. I have a feeling I am going to be on here alot!!!!
  11. thebreakfastclub

    I just built a chicken coop...should I spray for mites before chickens

    Oh yes I did read that you need food grade DE..but my question is should I sprinkle it all over the inside of the coop, nesting boxes and run before chickens have ever been in there or do you just wait until there is a problem ( God forbid). Also, if you keep the coop and run clean how common...
  12. thebreakfastclub

    1 week olds!!

    They are so adorable! I like the idea of using the bathtub. We are going to use Rubbermaid bins as brooders but the tub might be a good place to put them if I need to let them run around more until the weather gets warmer:)
  13. thebreakfastclub

    I just built a chicken coop...should I spray for mites before chickens

    My husbnd just finished building our 8x8 chicken coop and after reading about chickens getting mites, fleas ect. I was wondering if I need to take precautions and dust with diatomaceous earth (DE), or Sevin before I even put chickens in the coop for the first time. We get the baby chicks in 3...
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